xokiminightmare December 28, 2016 2:25 am



    Estia January 10, 2017 2:17 pm

    ditto ┗( T﹏T )┛

xokiminightmare December 26, 2016 10:49 pm

this was sooooo interesting and there are unclosed areas
like the cutie boy and glasses guy, they have to be together >-< AND I WANT TO FINALLY SEE GLASSES GUY GET BITTEN. HIS BACK LOOKS GOOD.






xokiminightmare December 26, 2016 1:08 am

possible? anyone thing?
idk why i'm imagining this xD but i'd support it for some reason...


.-. hirono is lowkey cute though. I'd want to see him in a side story relationship. >.> but not barging in on the main pairrrrr (*silently roars*)

xokiminightmare December 26, 2016 12:19 am

XD silly me, being upset.

of course i can wait a few more weeks senseii :3 and chapters are always plenty of pages.

:D I hope sensei gets better because I'm really looking forward to seventeen!

    concha December 26, 2016 2:57 am

    the translations are not being released at the same time as the originals there are already other chapters out

    Anonymous December 26, 2016 3:36 am

    What @concha said. Waje is better now. :)

    xokiminightmare December 26, 2016 7:57 am

    oh o.o then i'm late altogether... huh

    thanks ^-^ i'll try to find chapters <3

xokiminightmare December 23, 2016 4:05 am

>////< please update come sooon!!1

RAA im dying. lol and when will they go all the way. These chapters have been cute but I need some dick in butt action, man.

    mrl98 January 22, 2017 5:15 pm

    There wont be any, a very subtle implication though

xokiminightmare December 22, 2016 12:17 am

[these comments are spoiler as fuck, below]


PREACH AYEON. PREACH. beat his ass. (but then let yuri come out of this as a decent person lol). I'm not gonna lie, I didn't expect him to love the bitchy girl... and it is EVERYONE'S fault that Jaerim is hurt, not just Yuri. But Yuri is just as bad for not stopping it.


DAMN STRAIGHT YOU DIDN'T YURI. YESS! Admit your various faults.

"If anyone finds out about it. I'll kill you all" - ayeon

YES! BREAK THAT DAMN CAMERA, BOI. Thisdoesntexcuseyouforrapethough

This author is good. Man.


I don't feel guilty that I partially wanted Yuri to get beat up, lol. He is literally the learn-the-hard-way type of guy where it was kind of due for him to get some sense beat into him. I think he can take that ass-whooping compared to Jaerim's daily torment.

But Ayeon, the girls, and bullying guys are STILL pieces of shit for bullying Jaerim in the first place. Yuri is not an excuse to push someone around. These complex ass people.

xokiminightmare December 19, 2016 5:58 am

Like fucking really?
Is everyone forgetting that he literally fucking ran away. It was DONG that sent him back. If Dong wasnt there, he'd have just kept going like the coward he is. The guilt inside him sent him back.

And then he's still hesitating. And his dumbass didnt even notice all of the girls???? Like wtf. So you see your boyfriend under a guy, crying. And girls around him. AND HE LOOKED RIGHT AT THE CAMERA.

IT really doesnt take a genius to understand what's happening. I'm more annoyed with Yuri than before. Because of abusive stories like this, the main pair is gonna end up together in the end, I know. But Yuri deserves to cry, scream, feel like shit.

He deserves to see Jaerim mad, angry, sad, annoyed, pent-up. He deserves to see the true pain that Jaerim experiences due to his own neglect.

Yuri should NOT get a smooth sailing Jaerim back into his arms so easily. You can't just neglect people and

IS NO ONE THINKING ABOUT THE CAMERA?? Honestly, if he took that shit then he'd see what really happened. He can easily snatch it from the weak ass girls.

    Tzen December 19, 2016 6:08 am

    Its so frustrating that Yuri is so freaking stupid

    Anitchika December 19, 2016 6:57 am

    Hey, I'd go back for the Dong too amirite haha

    I'm sorry ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

    Anonymous December 19, 2016 8:32 am

    i get your feelings but... thats how the writer chose to write this story... i really do hate how jaerim was... really did he didnt deserve half the shit he went through just because of 'yuri' but by this point im just reading this to see jaerims happiness

    spoiler* raped

    Anonymous December 19, 2016 8:35 am

    i also dont want to know how long he was there for cause i would stop reading this but from what i saw it was for a while... ╥﹏╥

    mini_b2013 December 19, 2016 10:30 am
    i get your feelings but... thats how the writer chose to write this story... i really do hate how jaerim was... really did he didnt deserve half the shit he went through just because of 'yuri' but by this point... @Anonymous

    Tf are you talking about. What didn't you like about jerim?what did he do? Jerim did nothing but been there for yuri and took every insult,hateful stares and abuse from people and never gave up on yuri "eye roll"

    Anonymous December 19, 2016 12:53 pm
    Tf are you talking about. What didn't you like about jerim?what did he do? Jerim did nothing but been there for yuri and took every insult,hateful stares and abuse from people and never gave up on yuri "eye rol... mini_b2013

    Get off your angry train. The commenter hated that Jearim was BULLIED.

    Anonymous December 19, 2016 12:55 pm

    He was in shock.

    Sachiko December 19, 2016 9:09 pm
    Get off your angry train. The commenter hated that Jearim was BULLIED. @Anonymous

    And how were they supposed to know that, hmm? Oh, did they put the entire thing in a spoiler or did they just put one tiny little PIECE in a spoiler? I think it was the latter. So think a little before posting next time. Thanks.

    Sachiko December 19, 2016 9:14 pm
    He was in shock. @Anonymous

    So? Jaerim was in much bigger shock one would think. Hmm.

    Sachiko December 19, 2016 9:27 pm
    i get your feelings but... thats how the writer chose to write this story... i really do hate how jaerim was... really did he didnt deserve half the shit he went through just because of 'yuri' but by this point... @Anonymous

    Who cares if that's how the writer chose to write it? It's still shitty and that's why people feel the way they do...?

    Anonymous December 20, 2016 12:29 am
    And how were they supposed to know that, hmm? Oh, did they put the entire thing in a spoiler or did they just put one tiny little PIECE in a spoiler? I think it was the latter. So think a little before postin... Sachiko

    That makes no sense. There was no spoiler. You don't even have to click a plus to reveal more text. Just admit you got the wrong context. It says it right there in the comment you replied to...."i really do hate how jaerim was... really did he didnt deserve half the shit he went through"

    Anonymous December 20, 2016 12:32 am
    That makes no sense. There was no spoiler. You don't even have to click a plus to reveal more text. Just admit you got the wrong context. It says it right there in the comment you replied to...."i really do hat... @Anonymous

    Excuse me...so I forgot the spoiler, but that changes nothing. You still got the wrong context. The spoiler changes nothing about the original comment. Again, you're comment makes no sense.

    ccreads December 20, 2016 9:38 pm

    I don't think Yuri saw the cameras, the girls hid when they heard him coming. All he saw was Jaerim underneath the guy he was on a "date" with when they made up. Even though it's a stretch to see that as consent, with the letter included, his shock may have made him overlook some of the details. He didn't see the girls until after he made his dramatic comeback.
    But if I was Jaerim I would have given up on Yuri a long time ago. I don't think I'd be able to stand the craziness that is Yuri. His mood swings are awful, he never opens up and can be horribly cold. I think Yuri's finally starting to recover from the trauma, though, so maybe it'll be worth it in the end.

    Sachiko December 21, 2016 12:16 am
    That makes no sense. There was no spoiler. You don't even have to click a plus to reveal more text. Just admit you got the wrong context. It says it right there in the comment you replied to...."i really do hat... @Anonymous

    Um, sorry, but even though that is the wrong context not everyone can get that because they have a learning disability or it doesn't translate well across languages, sweetcheeks. So, do you want me to add ableist to your attributes or take back what you were saying? Hmm? Kthxbainow.

    Sachiko December 21, 2016 12:49 am
    I don't think Yuri saw the cameras, the girls hid when they heard him coming. All he saw was Jaerim underneath the guy he was on a "date" with when they made up. Even though it's a stretch to see that as consen... ccreads

    Although, that isn't what the OP was asking about. They were asking about what happened after Yuri came back. ^_^;

    xokiminightmare December 21, 2016 1:40 am

    Can yall relax

    Sachiko December 21, 2016 2:35 am

    Um, seriously, can people stop policing dialogues if they haven't yet devolved into pure name calling? I mean... I was pretty relaxed.

    Anonymous January 16, 2017 1:38 pm

    I was looking back to see if people's opinions about the story have changed in general and came across this again. I know we had this conversation weeks ago, but in the age of social justice and political correctness this needs to said.

    Not once did you claim to have either of those in inpairements. You are only excusing yourself by brining them up. Yes people do have reading disorders (you didn't bring one up) and things do not translate well ( but you don't claim to have that issue and your English is perfectly fine.)Those who do make errors while still llearning English would most likely find this a learning experience rather than trying to come out on top. Bottom line: STOP using disorders you don't claim to have to make excuses for yourself. I'm not talking to everyone. I'm talking to you. And from what I see, I could come to the conclusion that you're an able bodied person trying to win an "argument" by using actual impairments. Disgusting.

    And as far as ableism go. I'm not trembling by the sight of it, especially after you bring up impairments for the sake of shutting me up and nothingness else. I will take nothing back, because you have done nothing but make excuses for yourself. And hate to burst your bubble, but the context of the whole conversation revolved around a comment by Anon. Not the OP. :)
    The only name calling happened when you tried to make me out to be an ableist.

xokiminightmare December 14, 2016 10:16 pm

Pain or no pain. Past struggle or no struggle. It's not that Jaerim doesn't deserve HIM. No. HE doesn't deserve Jaerim. Yuri does not deserve Jaerim. Being in pain is not an excuse for neglect, and once again turning a blind eye to someone when they need you. No one is deserving of amazing Jaerim, and Jaerim doesn't deserve this torment.

I'm no longer on Yuri's side, and I barely was from the beginning.

And Aueon can just fucking kill himself, him and Yuri together.

xokiminightmare December 12, 2016 10:42 pm

WHEN HE SAID ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT XHENGXI (im spelling it wrong i knowww).

Oh my god, I'm so glad this moment is finally happening because I have waited SO FREAKING LONG it is ridiculous.

Yessss, developmentttt. I love how red-head keeps jumping every time someone says "kiss". I laughed so hard xD

xokiminightmare December 12, 2016 10:36 pm

like damn he scared me so much... I can't believe i once liked Gray haired guy ;-;

AAGHHHH I'm so fucking tired of Jaerim getting hurt. But honestly, what Gray-hair said about Yuri made sense for a second. How has yuri really NOT known jaerim keeps getting hurt??? Even when he suspects it, he doesn't look into it. He just turns a blind eye and that's not fair. I need Yuri to take better care of Jaerim -_- because it's obvious that these stupid girls aren't going to stop the bullying. But ayeon (finally remembered name!) is just going too far. I actually kind of liked him (before he just revealed his true colors) >.< so now i feel annoyed that he has to be the evil character.

As long as Jaerim is happy in the end, I don't care who's hurt at this point mannnn

    Undead December 12, 2016 4:16 pm

    I agree.A wound or any injuries that keeps appearing is definitely not normal.Even if I have a classmate that I don't know and is injured is not something that I would turn a blind eye for.
    More so since yuri is jaerim's bf. He should be concerned.Probe things further. If I were him I'd defintely go berserk.

    xokiminightmare December 12, 2016 10:35 pm

    Yeah. And Jaerim always has an excuse for it. The first time I may have been like >.> okay.... because he is clumsy after all. But multiple times, and Yuri has seen him be bullied before by the guy who secretly was an otaku.
    >.< fuuuume. It's so frustrating.

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