aggravated seme December 23, 2019 2:21 pm

WHOA. and the look in his eyes at “he’s a beast” hmmm

aggravated seme December 9, 2019 3:14 am

OMG this is amazing. I swear all of the bullshit and drama I went through with this manhwa has been worth it up until now. My entire pain and journey reading this has been for the end of this chapter. Thank you, sensei.

aggravated seme December 9, 2019 2:08 am

"Let's break up"
LMAO I took a break on this manhwa, but this is wild now catching up
HAHAH WHOA i shouldn't be laughing but looking from an objective POV rather than being so invested before. xD this is crazy

aggravated seme November 21, 2019 5:50 am

harems are annoying in their own unique way, but I've seen worst anime. Managed to at least keep me interested, and the dubbed actors kept my attention. I came here to see if the manga would be somehow continued but I guess not :x oop. I kinda don't want to read a whole light novel (so many words, man).

    A j November 20, 2019 12:22 am

    There are 10 volumes to the light novel - sold on amazon - its a much better, more detailed, and developed story than the anime or manga and takes us through all the labyrinths, relationships and adventures. I’m eagerly awaiting volume 11.

aggravated seme November 19, 2019 3:34 am

I am this ship's worst enemy. I thought I was the oar, steering it, but I realize I am the iceberg.

aggravated seme November 8, 2019 2:18 am

Like with Wangwang. She was annoying as hell, but it feels SO good that the quiet friend calmly explained to her why her meddling was bad (and dangerous, considering same-sex couples aren't accepted in real life like some fujoshi dream). BUT my point is that it was more effective for him to be calm and not accusing.

It's a lesson that even if someone is wrong in morality, by just attacking them (like a comment section) it won't automatically make them see your point. So, I just thought it was really important for the author to show that conversation because it is a realistic one that needs to happen sometimes. ^-^ Carry on, pals.

aggravated seme November 7, 2019 5:28 am

Literal stomach tied in knots, and it's not the shady leftovers I ate, it's at the fucking anticipation that this story is MOVING. Lord, it is fucking MOVING. AND WHEN THEY CONSPIRED TOGETHER ABOUT THEIR CRUSHES (HE TIAN AND JIAN YI) I FUCKING DIED.

    flora November 7, 2019 6:46 am

    One of my New Favorite comment/topic on here!! (≧∀≦) I loved your analogy about the stomach knots versus upset stomach; excitement v.s "shady leftovers", Lol!
    And it's sooooo true how much this story is Moving lately! ヾ(☆▽☆)"/ How Blessed we are to have this kind of Progress GOING ON!(/TДT)/
    The fact that the author, OldXian, even thought to include them "conspiring together about their crushes" was such a guilty pleasure of mine since the time when all the 4 friends hungout at He Tian's place for the 1st time and He Tian figured out Jian Yi's crush on Zhan Xixi right away. Ahhhh, it's icing on the cake for me. (▰˘◡˘▰)

aggravated seme October 18, 2019 5:05 am

does anyone know how to upload? because this work has been around for a while : o and I forgot I do have a few chapters past 16. And in case anyone is curious, there is only 1 season made (as far as I know). It has up to about 27-29 completed.

And (fair note): they definitely don't end up together (blaze and jason). It's kept as a guardian type of relationship! (which I love, cause Blaze T.T is an adorb dad)

    sun_bae October 19, 2019 12:36 pm

    Oh if you could upload any more chapters, that'd be great! To upload, you need to be on a desktop and press the flag button on the left side of the screen when you go to the page of the manga. There should be an option that asks you to upload after uploading the image onto Imgur.

    Thanks if you do manage to upload!

    vmars January 31, 2020 3:27 am

    omg pleae do! i want to know what happens!

aggravated seme September 5, 2019 3:40 am

Hakdo didn't confess "at the end" and the brother and Sangho didn't sort things out "at the end" because this isn't a fairytale end. And frankly, this isn't the end. This is the end FOR US, but not for them. BL is often a fantasy that spoils us into feeling that there needs to be a full conclusion, but this story has always had a pacing that is a bit more realistic. Even the chapters are drawn with gaps, and the story has them as well. Everything isn't for us to observe.

This story end feels incomplete because it is. A story doesn't have to fit the fairytale narrative to be a legitimate love.

Frankly, more yoai could use this realistic touch that takes us away from the "fuck and true love" fantasy because that is just the TV stuff. The brother is coming around, but realistically it's a miracle he even IS coming around considering how bad it could have gone.

I agree that I would like more story, and wish the author would add extras or such. But to expect full confessions, automatic acceptance, and a "complete" story feels rather childish. What they have is real, and Hakdo doesn't need to be swept off his feet to love Sangho in return.

    TaylorTsum September 5, 2019 12:40 pm

    Beautifully put.

    FionaBarnett MKULTRA September 6, 2019 12:07 am

    Mostly agree. Their love was good and it was a good story. Well written. But it needed an end. Not a cliffhangee

    TheScribe September 6, 2019 10:49 am

    BL *is* supposed to spoil us. T_T if I wanted gritty reality I would just look at the world around me. Lol I like happy little endings, with all the strings tied up in a nice little bow. Frankly that’s why many of us read yaoi. Yes, it should have substance and a story, but... at least it should be conclusive. Just my two cents... V_V

    sweety1997 September 8, 2019 1:41 am

    yeah somehow i find these kinds of realistic yaois these days...i guess i read all thos popular ones and somehow cam t the deeper levels of this world...still have to sort out trash, but it seems you get kinda pro with this over time and faster to smell good stuff...mostly it was one of those 4-11 chapter stories and some longer ones but very rare and now this inner romantic is a little sad, but i know that this is a very good is not an is how it is...

    Mameiha October 5, 2019 11:27 pm
    BL *is* supposed to spoil us. T_T if I wanted gritty reality I would just look at the world around me. Lol I like happy little endings, with all the strings tied up in a nice little bow. Frankly that’s why ma... TheScribe

    Thank You! I like a little realism in my fantasy, but if I want all realism, I'll go listen to my gay friends bitch about their boyfriends or lack thereof. Life has a tendency to suck... hard. That is why we fantasize. It's why the superhero always wins, why the hero gets the girl and why evil is always defeated. Because that shit NEVER happens in real life. When too much realism finds itself in our fantasies, it tells us that we have given up, lost hope. We don't even dare to dream about a better world or a happy ending. Nihilism did little for Nietzche except drive him to drink himself to death. Hope, even the hope found in fairy tales and superheroes, is what keeps us trying, keeps us going. Lose that hope and you want to just lay down and die. So, give me my happily ever after in my yaoi that I know for a fact can't or won't happen in real life. I need it so I don't feel like there is no point in trying.

    aggravated seme October 18, 2019 4:22 am
    Thank You! I like a little realism in my fantasy, but if I want all realism, I'll go listen to my gay friends bitch about their boyfriends or lack thereof. Life has a tendency to suck... hard. That is why we fa... Mameiha

    I think the same token can be said of those who watch horror and the really dark things to keep themselves sane as well. (Though, PWH was by no means a horror, lol), but the same logic applies where people enjoy something that isn't entirely realistic. Looking back, I'm sure I just loved the story and wanted to defend it, but I think I can stand behind enjoying the realistic touch because no genre needs to look the same in everything made in it. I enjoy a sweet yoai as much as the next, but I can appreciate how this work is more well-rounded because it's something different than what I was used to, especially for a manhwa. Lmao, ironically, I really gelled with your comment bc I get tired of the "bitchy boyfriend" tales from anything, so I can feel the need for a fantasy palette cleanser at times. ^^

    Mameiha October 18, 2019 5:33 am
    I think the same token can be said of those who watch horror and the really dark things to keep themselves sane as well. (Though, PWH was by no means a horror, lol), but the same logic applies where people enjo... aggravated seme

    Allow me to start by clearing up that my comment was in response to another reader who wrote opposing your original comment. However, I also agree with your reply to me. What we like in a story can't be dictated by someone else. We like what we like and find enjoyment in the stories that touch us based on our own experiences and preferences. This is why I didn't originally respond directly to your first comment. I couldn't argue with anything you said, you were right about everything. The story is well written and well rounded and although there is no conclusive HEA, it implies hope. So, it wasn't like everyone dies at the end. Sure, I personally prefer the "fuck and fall in love" plots, but that doesn't mean that I think anything except that is garbage. Hell, there are a few full blown tragedies that I think are beautiful simply because the story and characters are deep and complex and the writing was amazing. Some people, like surgeons; police officers; firemen and paramedics thrive on drama. It is what drives them to success. Others prefer crunching numbers or coding programs. Neither is better or worse than the other. Each finds success in his own way. The same goes for stories and their readers. If we all liked the same things life would be painfully dull. We would never have the opportunity to have interesting conversations like this one. So, thank you for your response and I hope that, in the future, we can debate or discuss other stories we have shared in reading.

aggravated seme August 31, 2019 7:23 am

Their relationship is going well. I just read 48 but now I’m even more confused about everyone’s comments. I feel like they’re happy and y’all are crying over random shit. I am just so confused. ??? Things are well. And Hakdo obviously has feelings for Sangho like there was only a short end to doochi because he’s become less important in the grand scheme of their relationship. Regardless of whether Hakdo still loves him, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love Sangho. A mature relationship isn’t about “pick snd choose” because you can’t control feelings. He is with Sangho and cares for him. Be grateful, you slug petunias.

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