im honestly so confuse w this story ㅠㅠ damn it has like 90% rape , 5% love and 5% just random weird stuff happening that i cant brain myself i lost sooo much braincells HDJAJJDJS its good art but too many rapes i honestly felt bad for him ... the ending ㅠㅠ just omfg....
i love this , it makes me have soooooooo many different emotions , im sad but happy at the same time . Im gonna miss this characters , it has an impact on me uwu I Love all three of them <3
the most beautiful manga :' its so nice i cried .. the last part though , where taejun's soul hugs seheon's dad :')) i criedddd at that part . its so beautiful im repeating myself TㅡT
im honestly so confuse w this story ㅠㅠ damn it has like 90% rape , 5% love and 5% just random weird stuff happening that i cant brain myself i lost sooo much braincells HDJAJJDJS its good art but too many rapes i honestly felt bad for him ... the ending ㅠㅠ just omfg....