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Xianrix February 25, 2021 7:55 am

Can someone recommend me something good or one of your favorites? Any genre will be fine, I also want to explore. (=・ω・=)

    Fujosheyyy° February 25, 2021 7:58 am
    baba February 25, 2021 7:59 am

    the heart of red cloak

    Lolz February 25, 2021 8:01 am

    Whose baby is it ( I think that is the name) it’s so cut and funny, and there’s ships and a little drama I guess.

    anon February 25, 2021 8:06 am

    Shimanami Tasogare is an absolutely amazing read. I rec it every single chance I get ;;;

    AnnewithanE February 25, 2021 8:22 am
    Xianrix February 25, 2021 8:28 am
    Here is my list's ^ω^http://www.mangago.me/home/people/1042551/list/ Fujosheyyy°

    Omayghash thank you so much!!! ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

    Xianrix February 25, 2021 8:28 am
    the heart of red cloak baba

    Woooohhhh thankss!!!

    Xianrix February 25, 2021 8:30 am
    Whose baby is it ( I think that is the name) it’s so cut and funny, and there’s ships and a little drama I guess. @Lolz

    Ohhh myghad I'm looking for this story everywhere. I saw it last year and I forgot the title, but I remember the cover. Thank you so much!!!

    Xianrix February 25, 2021 8:30 am
    Shimanami Tasogare is an absolutely amazing read. I rec it every single chance I get ;;; anon

    Aweee thank you!!!

    Xianrix February 25, 2021 8:31 am
    http://www.mangago.me/home/mangalist/984999/They are so good AnnewithanE

    Nice one

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