The seme is a asshole.

this comment is old but im still gonna reply cause why not
- He sexually harrasses the uke whenever given the chance and crosses his boundaries constantly, that one scene when the uke told him several times he didn't want to sleep next to him and he just kept insisting until he did so. That wasn't "hot" it was unnerving. Imagine yourself in that situation
- He takes advantage of the uke being in a tight spot to get him in his house (whic he even admits to himself later on)
- He constantly treats him like an actual dog, a toy or a child even though that's obviously not the case and even upsets the uke (even if it was a joke he even put a collar on him like wtf)
- When the uke decides he wants to leave, he get upset and thinks he's owed an explanation as if he owns him
Rape at the first chapter.