I’ve always seen this work when I was scrolling for new mangas to pick up, but I never gave it a chance until now. 5 hours of binging and single a tear-stained pillow case later, I’m so glad I finally did. I wasn’t vibing with the art style at first, but it really grew on me. Great story. (Also is it just me or is Jaerim actually cute? Idk I thought he was cute from the beginning, but then again I tend to like characters that aren’t conventionally attractive lol (๑˃ᴗ˂))

I’m literally only commenting on this because it won’t go away from my “already read” section publicly. NO. THIS IS DISGUSTING. I clicked on it out of pure horror and fear-induced curiosity and now it taunts me every time I login. Pedophilia ain’t cute and if you genuinely enjoy this, you’re a disgusting person (・∀・)
Started out sweet, but quickly went sour. When I finished reading I was just left with a bad taste in my mouth. Possessive semes are nice, but there’s a fine line between possessive and fucking insane/creepy. Lesson learned, read the tags!!