Alright fine I’ll read it again for the 20th time damn

Jaya created a topic of Bimyou ni Yasashii Ijimekko
Jaya created a topic of Papa Wolf and the Puppy

Not me reading this chapter 5 times!! The 3AM panel with his shirt riding up, Dark Hair stepping out of the shower, the leaning in on “how about we-“, the flustered “think of something to do”!!!!!! Aaahhhhhhhh thank you for the meal authorrrrrr

Jaya created a topic of A Fortune-Telling Princess

Jombo is the Princess wtf is that

Wait if Matsukoma is the author, does that mean Nietzsche-kun is based on a real person?

Ngl I cried poor Jaegal. Imagine having to believe your only relative abandoned you by offing himself and didn’t even care enough to tell you why

Jaya created a topic of Wakaba San Chi No Aoi Koi

You HIT Lyrica?! You hit Lyrica like the football?! Jail for Atil! Jail for Atil for 1000 years!!

Jaya created a topic of The Otaku Love Connection

Me to everybody: Kiss kiss fall in love

Okay but all four of them would actually be the perfect poly/hetero/yuri/yaoi pairing!

Jaya created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

His brothers can I trade places with the stalker real quick

Jaya created a topic of Papa Wolf and the Puppy

Sorry y’all the “AAHH” was just me actually screaming and passing out, didn’t think it would show up in the story teehee

Jaya created a topic of Happy Shitty Life

This mangaka is really good at subverting the usual BL tropes. In other stories, Reo/Kuzuya would have turned out with Kuzuya being like “Oh he likes me so much that’s why he’s aggressive teehee” and then they’d end up together but this is like “Ew gtf away from me, rapist” and rightfully so! Also Kasuya and his office rival would have probably had hate sex in the office then denying their feelings but still sleeping together until they start dating.

This is actually the best found family reincarnation story I’ve read, I love it soo much

Lmao just read the first chapter - wtf they kicked out a 5 year old?? at least the other books wait till the person turns 18, what the heck is a 5 year old supposed to do

Jaya created a topic of Tabetemo Oishiku Arimasen

this is so cute!! I wanna read a story about the brother too. And the other vermillion demon’s story. And the lion-dog!!

But why does her dad look so young (and hot) though?? I legit thought he was the ML at first

Just started this but please tell me the prince isn’t the ML? And not the second prince either her dad is smoking both of them in the looks category, where’s a black-haired red-eyed hottie when you need him??