Notice her reflection when she's just purified the statue - she's slowly turning black too. Does that mean she'll die and/or become evil if she purifies everything? Is her purification just absorbing the evil into herself? So many questions...!
Woah nice observation Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
that wasnt her reflection, those were the fragments of the cursed object after purification
I'm at chapter 33 - all this time I thought the one who resembled Naerim was his past lover, but it was his mom???? Uuh getting some Oedipus vibes
Giselle for f***'s sake run away with him as soon as you get an opportunity. What have you got to lose??????
Notice her reflection when she's just purified the statue - she's slowly turning black too. Does that mean she'll die and/or become evil if she purifies everything? Is her purification just absorbing the evil into herself? So many questions...!
Woah nice observation Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
that wasnt her reflection, those were the fragments of the cursed object after purification