YALL AINT READY FOR THE SEX SCENE OMFG. I need to touch grass or something….
2025-02-09 21:08 marked
Currently reading the novel up to ch. 10, and I’m really enjoying it so far. At this point, I’m not even treating it as a BL. I see it more as a psychological story where everyone has questionable morals and is at least a little fucked up, some more than others. There’s a constant sense of dread with every chapter, but in a way that keeps me hooked. Tbh, it's very dramatic, like ain't no way high school was this bad bro
But I’m rooting for Jun, even though he’s far from being a nice person and some of his actions are definitely questionable. But that’s exactly why I like him, he’s not perfect or a goody two-shoes MC, but he's very self-aware. He's flawed and kinda relatable. I rarely read novels these days but I can't wait to finish reading this one
2025-02-08 20:27 marked
if you want any spoilers of the plot/characters from the novel, lmk
2025-02-08 18:51 marked
these spoilers include description of rape/SA please kindly leave if these subjects disturb you in any way.

brief recap + info:

some of yall might of guessed it: its the 2nd life of both mc and ml.
ML remembers everything except MC doesnt at all, although he has nightmares of his first life.
to add: I noticed manhwa chaps and novels chaps r almost the same (ex: ch 1 manhwa = ch 1 novel)

ok lets start; (im only talking about important details)

When does the 1st life storytime start?: around chaps 72-73

Whats happening after ch 41 in the manhwa? (upcoming updates):
MC learns about how to make perfume for a few chaps. ML offers MC a whole new perfume company for him under his own name: Sejin, and decides to make MC the ceo of the company. MC meets the employees, have dinner w them, etc.. (theres gonna be 1 sex scene after the dinner w the employees) MC receives the news that his father has been arrested for tax invasion and so on. MC realized that it was ML's doing that his family/haeshin coop. was going down. MC felt devasted bc it was his family but ML did it because MC was being mistreated w his own family and gaslighted by his dad to keep working for him so for MC's sake he exposed them. ML got help from MC's secretary btw. ML's precise reasoning: “In my eyes, they were abusers, but to you, they were the only family you had.”
1-2 chaps later, they have sex again but this time MC asked ML to imprint him since ML was the only one left for MC after the whole family situation, but at the end ML didnt imprint him. MC kind of displeased by this situation, stopped sleeping in ML's room and even kind of stopped talking to him bc ML was the one who cut ties w mc's family and now he was alone but ML refused to imprint him? After a f ew talks, they started talking A BIT ONLY again. ML's grandfather died and his brother also disappeared. MC decided to join the funeral with ML since he wanted to fix things at the same time after what happened w the imprinting situation. (btw this funeral is like 2 days long or smt) During a meal, while they were drinking, ML told MC about his side and how he felt and how he liked MC and he didnt want this to be a contracted marriage and also that MC should be the one to decide if they should date or not. Basically he didnt want to force MC to date him or to be in any forced relationship and do whatever was right for MC. After all that and when they came back home, ML got his rut and they almost had sex. ML ate sleeping pills + inhibitors and said this before he went to sleep: “… … You died before my eyes.” which made MC obviously confused. After that rut, ML decame awfully distant with MC BUT at the same time, MC started opening up abt his insomnia and other issues. Later on, MC finally launched his perfume company but ML never showed up to the opening ceremony. ML started avoiding MC by coming home late often too. Until one day ML told MC to end the marriage and that MC should leave whenever he wanted to. MC was completely dumbfounded and confused bc ML said a few days earlier how he liked him but now he said to leave? He felt betrayed. MC hurried to the study where ML was mid way through packinh/ getting ready to leave, and yells at ML how wrong he was to say that and why he said that. He questionned everything and finally yells ''do u think ill die infront of you?'' (MC doesnt know the context and just repeated what ML said during his rut out of anger) and starts yelling even more and questionned how weird it was for ML to get his heat cycles right everytime and every odd coincidence and if he was ever honest w him. He felt like a pet and an object: he was taken care of but he didnt know anything abt ML at all. ML felt like he didnt hv the right to date MC bc of what hes done (view 2nd paragraph) thats why he wanted MC to leave him (this was not mentionned btw) MC begged ML to let him stay w him and ML finally gave him and they had sex and he finally imprinted him: 1st life memories came flooded in in MC's mind. - 1st life storyline starts-

1st life summary: starts with storytime of MC and how he was adopted by his current father: MC left his abusive parents and clinged on a random rich person which happened to be Haeshin's CEO aka his adoptive dad. MC was later arranged a marriage with ML. ML did not really give a fuck about MC at all tbh: he was awfully dry and only thought of it as a contract. During MC's first heat, he just kinda ignored him, 2ND heat they fucked bc MC asked him to, but keep it mind ML was awfully rude/rough in bed (legit no foreplay+he bled) Later on, both MC and ML started being kind to eachother: they would eat together, greet eachother in the mornings, etc.. MC was FRAMED by his whole family for tax invasion and was sent to prison but luckily ML bought him out of it. Basically MC's family used him so Haeshin company would not get caught in those problems. Basically after he got out of prison, bc of ML, his family totally cut him off. !!! MC was asked to steal a document in Ml's study which MC obviously did for his father way before he was framed by his family since father was like yk how i raised u blah blah.
This sadly was the reason both MC and ML grew apart. While MC and ML were starting to like each other and even having comforting sex, ML felt absolutely betrayed by MC for not being honest earlier about stealing the files and MC couldve even come up with a reason and straihht up told ML he stole it for his own good. ML started ignoring MC around house and it detoriated MC's mental/physical health since he craved love and attention; he starved himself too. One day ML came home drunk and MC begged on his knees to not ignore him and give him another chance and how hed do ANYTHING for ML to forgive him (MC's family alr left him so if ML leaves him, he'll be all alone and he was scared of that) ML forcefully made MC to blowjob him and even told him to act like a prostitute if he wanted to be forgiven. MC throat was swelled up for a few days due to this incident. Meanwhile ML was at a funeral, MC went into heat again but this time ML's brother also randomly came and RAPED the shit out of MC (ch 86) it was disturbely written. MC who got so fucked up after the rape, called his secretary and asked him to pick him up to leave cause he was finally done w this place. ML went to MC's house and noticed how bruised MC looked like and demanded who did that to him, but obviously MC being fed up with the whole situation just told ML he slept w his brother (didnt say it was rape at all) ML being mad, he rapes MC and forcefully imprints him w pain (ugh it was so hard to read that part). Later on, the Moment where MC wakes up from all the sex w ML, hes been brought to ML's mansion again. THIS time he was confined: he can only sleep in ML's bed and if he wanted to leave to another room, he needed his bodyguard to follow him. (its been several months from the raping incident too) MC would starve himself and just felt depressed the whole time. Until the doctor told him he was pregnant: MC didnt know whos child it was; ML's or ML's brother. MC finally had enough and didnt want to give birth to a successor, he went to ML's study and kills himself.

after imprint (2nd life/present): MC still decided to leave ML. ''If you were going to let me know about such painful emotions, you shouldn't have imprinted on me. If you knew that emotions are so contagious, you should have been a little more careful.'' and ended the marriage and left w a suitcase. 3 months have passed and ML decides tomake a random contract/proejct in order to meet w MC bc he missed him dearly. Bc of the contract between MC’s perfume company and ML’s company, they met up every single day in MC’s office (ML wanted to do this for 3 weeks straight since he missed MC sm). After their contract/project which took like a week or so, ML and MC left together and had sex after a company dinner. They had sex bc MC’s heat and ML’s rut aligned bc they eere both imprinted/bonded whatever u call it

OK I ONLY READ TILL 92 SORRY POOKIES! ill update when i finish the novel:3
sorry for bad english btw ( ̄へ ̄)i mostly speak french
ANYWAYS please lmk any questions or precisions in my answer:3
2024-09-02 20:49 marked
This is a huge spoiler if you haven’t read the raws but wtf is up with the best friend man. I get he likes him to attack the ML when the makeout session was consensual is absolutely crazy work. And to make matters worse I have wait until another chapter come out because the last chapter I saw was an authors note is so infuriating. I am quite literally about to pull my hair out. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
2024-08-18 16:40 marked
[SPOILER]: Don't scroll down if u don't wanna read.
Imma just put what I remember.
So mc and ml both regressed but mc didn't remember his past and ml got his memories intact which I think it's because ML is still imprinted on MC while MC isn't.

the flashback of memories occured when ml imprinted himself to mc then mc fainted then his memories came flooding in.

So Sejin is abused, used and neglected by his adopted family because he is a defective omega. While people who kidnapped him sold him. On his birthday Sejin was informed that he is arranged to marry someone but they didn't say who. So on the wedding day he met Ido who was rude saying comments like "thank God at least the face is easy to look at, although that isn't even that great"

But their marriage went smoothly and Sejin moved to Ido's house but Ido is cold and doesn't want Sejin to do small wife duties like waiting for him or greeting him when he comes home.

Ido has this toxic principle that if someone does something good for him they expect something in return, that's why he is cold to Sejin.

Even with Sejin's heat Ido thought that Sejin is using his heat to exploit on him and told him things like Sejin is selling his body and only cheap people will buy it something like that, and since Sejin is a defect no inhibitor work on him but Ido ordered people to inject him inhibitor so Sejin vomited through out his heat cycle.

While Haesin is using Sejin asking him to steal a document from Ido. Then gaslighting him that it's up to Sejin if he wants to do it or not but throws comments like "Haesin is the only place you can return to" and they even told him that his marriage with Ido won't last long so Haesin is the only place he can return to.

So Sejin who is deep inside just doesn't want to be abandoned stole the document. And Haesin also put the blame on tax evasion on Sejin too. Sejin was prisoned then Ido bailed him out.

Tho as time goes by Ido and Sejin actually fell in love to each other, spending time together they fell in love to each other. Ido fell cause Sejin isn't the type of person who expect anything from him. And they had cute moments together

So Sejin was getting guilty cause he stole that document and eventually he told Ido about it and Ido felt betrayed he started to become an asshole again but since he liked Sejin he never actually had the strength to divorce him so he just abused Sejin.

Then on the funeral of Ido's grandfather, Ido's brother who is looking at Sejin with dirty eyes on their wedding day, came to Ido's house. Then he saw Sejin he raped Sejin and Sejin put up a fight but then young brother said " so this is the gift Ido was talking about" then Sejin stopped fighting after hearing that comment. And the asshole even knotted on him. Sejin immediately called Mr. Kim and said "please help me"

Sejin and Mr. Kim packed all of Sejin's stuff and drove him to his officitel, Sejin had a high fever then 2days later Ido came to Sejin's place. They had a fight cause Sejin was angry cause Ido "gifted" him to the brother and he said they should divorce. Ido got mad saying Sejin doesn't have the right to decide that. Then Sejin was like what do you want then, I can let your brother rape me as long as you like (well something like that)

And Ido got mad, in which he raped Sejin and he marked and knotted Sejin. Sejin fainted then he woke up in Ido's house. He was just lifeless after that. Ido then never appeared to him and a bodyguard was assigned to follow him everywhere.

Ido tho at night he visits Sejin when he is sleeping then saying stuff like "Sejin what should I do" (yeah Ido was doing is I regret it ritual on Sejin every night) but Sejin has Insomia so every night he just listened to Ido.
Then days later Sejin's doctor told him he is preggo.
Sejin then can't believe it and was thinking who's child is it? since both the asshole brother and Ido knotted him.

So Sejin who felt that he has no place to go he even got pregnant out from rape. He went to Ido's study room and grab the gun that was displayed in Ido's room. He knows there is ammunition inside he put it in his chest. Then Ido came to his study and saw Sejin killed himself with a gun. His last words were "take care, Kwon Ido"

-------------------[FURTHER SPOILER]

The actual gift Ido was referring to was a document about his brother who frequently sexually assault people. It's kinda a evidence cause Ido and his sister was getting the asshole behind bars.

The child Sejin was carrying is his and Ido's child.

The reason Ido agreed to married Sejin is because he wanted to steal Haesin corp.

The document Sejin gave to his father is a incomplete document and it was just basically useless, Sejin knew that and Ido found out about it that's why he kept doing "I regret it" ritual on Sejin every night

If you're asking about Sejin's brother. He loves Sejin in a romantic way, Sejin knew about it cause he saw his brother masturbate saying his name
2024-01-02 15:16 marked
For those who wants to know the hole story! Here is a major spoiler

The novel was a little confusing since its DIVIDED INTO 3 PARTS. Each part are different. These spoilers are based on what i understand. It's not 100% accurate so feel free to correct me though.

-Klopp/Clope (alpha seme)
-Aelock/Arok (alpha uke)

!!TW: Some parts of the novel is brutal and depressing, please be careful!!
PART 1: MAINSTORY (Original arok & Original klopp)
This volume seems like the first timeline. Count arok taywind met klopp in one of their tea parties. He fell inlove instantly, but klopp have a lover named rafiel westport. Later they got married. Arok tried to forget him, but later burned with jealousy. He ordered the killing of rafiel, who was pregnant and raped, died with the unborn child.

Later on klopp suddenly disappeared and came back rich, while arok slowly fell from grace as his investments failed. Klopp unexpectedly helped him, eventually became a viscount and bought the mansion. He let arok stay in the mansion, but with his secret motive of revenge. He tricked arok into taking pills, and he was turned into omega. Klopp knew that arok ordered the death of his wife rafiel, and became crazed due to hatred and trauma. He raped arok, and said to pay back his sins. He took his wife and child so arok needs to pay back with a child. I believe its a twisted revenge on klopp side, a sign of conquest, of victory.

They had their first child, omega son who has blonde and blue eyes, he was named after rafiel. Afterwards, arok was moved to a hut, and was surprised because he thought he would atleast be given the authority to raise the child. Klopp snickered as he said arok would not become his wife, if he don't like to stay in the hut, he should leave. Arok stayed, and later had his second child, an alpha son. However, a commotion erupted as he refused to be treated badly by the servants, he was then kicked out of the estate and thrown to the slums.

There, it was hell. As he was raped repeatedly, in exchange for a bread. He had three miscarriages. Then one day, he saw klopp and rafiel child in a carriage, and had this fantasy of being with them. Or atleast hugging the child even once. Later he was running, he met klopp again, and klopp gave him a silver coin, a sign of belittling him. Arok bought second hand suit and went to the mansion again. He met klopp, and had a conversation where he discovered that klopp considers rafiel child as the child of his dead wife rafiel westport. Heartbroken, arok left and committed suicide to the river. He was saved by the attendant of klopp. Klopp was surprised that he commited suicide, as he thinks of aroks as a devil who does not even shed tears. (arok cannot cry no matter how har he tries, he once poked his eye to see if his tearducts are abnormal. It's because of his upbringing, as his father sees crying as not a acceptable trait of a noble count. Arok had the habit of smiling instead, masking his emotions deep in his bones, which provokes klopp as he sees arok happy and thinks he's still not hurt enough. Arok cannot change this no matter how hard he tries.)

Arok was allowed to stay in the estate, in a hut, near the rose garden and cedar trees. There, he lived quietly. Sometimes klopp would come at night, checking on him. Klopp would sometimes see rafiel on arok (arok was a distant relative of rafiel westport. They had the same eyes and haircolor, just little difference such as rafiel had dull blond hair and gray bluish eyes, while arok had shiny gold like blond hair and bluish eyes. Due to the total fall from grace of arok, he suffered to continous abuse and poverty in the slums. He began having frizzy dull hair, his strong alpha body gone as his body turned into omega, and his arrogance slowly faded). Later they had an argument, as klopp kept on giving arok the clothes that rafiel used to wear (rafiel westport was an omega his body is small and arok was once an alpha still having a bigger frame than ordinary omega, so arok sometimes tore the clothes as they dont fit him) resulting to being beaten and raped. Then, arok had his third child, another omega son.

He continued living quietly, content on small gestures and often visits of klopp. Soon he had another child, the fourth omega, a daughter. I believe this is where klopp starts to soften (? not really though) to arok. They usually have rough sex (its an omegaverse so, klopp usually have sex with arok). In this point, klopp had a "loving" vanilla sex with arok, though during it, klopp whispers cruelty and curses to arok, that arok hopefully dies the same way like rafiel westport, and how he hated him so much. Klopp later soften and thought of bringing arok to the mansion, because winter is harsh in the hut and he's already pregnant again on their 5th child. Maybe pity, guilt, and the feeling connection on having someone through lonely times, having a companion in their own created hell. That he have arok to suffer with. He hated him but also undeniably still have conscience and maybe twisted affections as he cared for him a little.

Klopp in the first place is not a bad person. He is a scholarly guy, a baron countryside noble who became an economic bureaucrat viscount, who is educated and has talents. But because of his monstrous hatred, he became a crazed twisted person hungry for revenge. So even though he treated arok with such cruelty, there are times he shows care and restraint esp when arok was pregnant. (though he takes them from him after childbirth and never let arok see them or touch them. one time arok hugged rafiel child and was beaten by klopp when he saw him. in his crazed mind he thinks that arok will stain rafiel, his dead wife again with his hands.)

However, as klopp thought of moving in with arok and spending this life with his enemy, arok disappeared in the hut. And sooner news was given that he escaped and was in the slums again. He found him indeed in the slums, currently blank out of his mind as he was being raped by 4 men (those who raped him before). Klopp murdered the men, as he covered the body of arok, who was brutally beaten, with broken ankle and shoulders, bruises, semen, and thick black blood under his lower body. He's spaced out, almost like dying. They quickly went back to mansion, where arok water bag broke in the carriage, he was having a sudden childbirth. He was about to be saved, however, the doctor discovered he is pregnant with twins, losing the small chance of survival.

After the childbirth, arok in his deathbed, asked for forgiveness, unaware that he was finally crying, shedding tears. He told klopp that he was hurting too and if given a chance he would not touch rafiel westport again. That now, he knows what rafiel westport felt while dying. He asked a dying wish, even as a lie, for klopp to say an "i love you", but klopp was silently crying. Arok smiled bitterly and close his eyes. He survived three days and passed away at the 3rd morning. Those days he was crying, and klopp was always beside him, hugging and kissing him. Arok was crying happy tears, and was having happy dreams when he died. Klopp was beside him when he breath his last and klopp gave him a kiss. Later he was standing on arok's tombstone, he felt regret, but still wasn't able to say "i love you".

Arok was in the hut, he saw a tall man in the garden, klopp with the 6 children laughing and walking in the garden. He also saw someone with dull blonde hair, an omega, rafiel westport. Arok cried, and laughed. Strangely, he did not felt jealousy. He looked at klopp, and klopp stared at him, and eventually turned his back going to his family who is calling for him. They looked so happy. Arok still smiled while shedding tears, like a gesture that he's now accepting this end while he's being swallowed and drowned by darkness.
PART 2: (Original arok regression & klopp) [Klopp pov]
Klopp was lost in the cedar trees during the tea party of count arok taywind. They met and arok helped him to get back to the location. During the tea party, klopp observes the count and irritated that he has his fake smile and has this impression of him as a playboy. They bumped again, and klopp puts a sarcastic attitude towards the count. Arok strikes back and eventually turned into full of banters and sarcastic comebacks. He was invited again, sees it as an opportunity to widen his connection, he went. Though during those parties, klopp was slowly being attracted to arok, lowkey stealing glances, unconciously observing, searching for him, and was jealous of other people who is with arok.

Klopp refuse to be attracted to another alpha he decided to pursue rafiel westport more, who looked like arok taywind, and stopped going to the invitations of count arok to distract himself. He wanted a stable life and he thinks that it should be with rafiel westport, instead of the arrogant count arok. But still, he cannot forget the count. He buried himself with work, as he was new in this industry and still building his reputation. His clients are growing, and his skills are being praised as he slowly starts the way to his success. But one night, count arok came uninvited in his office, asking for advice as his investment fails. Klopp wants to turn it down, but then accepted due to the recommendation letter arok have from klopp's viscount mentor. He was also distracted from the strong perfume smell that was left in his office as the count left.

Klopp had dreams. He's with someone with dull blonde hair, big belly, and inside a hut. He has so much anger and hatred towards that skinny omega person. He finds it weird, as he seems to see count arok in that person, which is the opposite of the count arok right now. He did not take it seriously, but always disturbed with the brutal treatment and his behavior in those dreams. He did not see himself acting that way. These dreams continued on, with flashes of different scenes.

Later on he become like a financial advisor of arok, dumbfounded how arok seems to not have any idea of fund management. Having him as a client, it is inevitable for them to meet. He became nervous and anxious pushing his engagement with rafiel quickly, because he felt like he will be defeated and deviate to the stable life that he wants. One time, after the date with rafiel, they spotted someone who looked like count arok in the slums, wearing a cloak and wary of the people around. Klopp shook it off, knowing how arrogant arok was, he won't even breathe the air in that area, they thought they were mistaken.

During to a concert planned by the count arok, klopp also decided to propose that night to rafiel. The concert was grandioise, but he was a little unconfortable as him and rafiel were placed in the center, like star of the night although they were surrounded by higher people, count and marquis. Especially, a specific marquis wolflake who keeps on glaring on him that made him a little annoyed. Unexpectedly, count arok arranged a performance. He played a violin instrument, with a sad and tragic love melody that made the crowd tear. It is a heartbreaking melody, that also bewitch klopp. Why and who is making you sad? Klopp though as he stared at the guy who looked like a dream, gorgeous as he stands in the stage in his white suit and beauty that shines. Count arok had a melancholic aura, klopp cannot understand. Anxious of what he is feeling, he felt like he's standing on the cliff, he needs to act in urgency. He needs to propose now to rafiel. He must.

When klopp decided, he led rafiel to a hidden area at rose garden to propose, he readied himself and pop the question when he was suddenly pushed by a couple who was doing something nasty. He became angry, not because the marriage proposal was interrupted, but because he felt like all the piled emotions needs to be vented, and his chance for a saving was now lost. He was hanging by a thread and now he lost control and fought with the guy even infront of rafiel westport. Rafiel ran and the ring was lost, the scene was a mess and count arok arrived, worried on his injuries. Arok ordered them to be let inside the mansion to calm the noise and avoid rumors. Later, the engagement between rafiel westport and was denied and they broke up. Count arok stormed in his office, asking why they broke up. Klopp began having his suspicions, and cornered the count. He thought that count arok liked rafiel, as he can't stop mentioning his ex and also connects his past behaviors. He can't restrain himself and they kissed. Wherein count arok woke up and pushed him then ran away.

Later then klopp pursued arok, though he was being avoided by the count. He was taught by the butler, having a hint on his relationship with the count, he continued to learn noble ethics under the strict cold butler. Wanting to gather favors to the person closest to arok, he worked hard. One time he heard some gossip that an omega noble was buying suppressor in the slums. Klopp was curious, and then surprised when he saw count arok being cornered by men. He saved him, dragged him and ended up having sex at Klopp's house. He was angry as the count arok who is avoiding him smells like an omega, he thought arok was rolling around with an omega prostitute/lover in the slums. Klopp discovered that count arok who is a noble alpha became an omega. Turns out, he transformed into omega and it started when he met klopps. That is why he have the thick scent of omega on his body. Overjoyed, he considered arok as his omega already, and planned to spend arok's heat with him in the next month. They discussed about children, and klopp wanted to have 2 child, while count arok wants six children surprisingly (he maybe have this regret not being able to be with his six children in the past :'( )

Soon arok had another party, klopp even spotted marquis wolflake with rafiel westport, who are now married, and angered as he wondered why rafiel is here again. He thought that arok's obsession with rafiel is still not finished. He dragged the count arok, who is nearing his heat and had sex. Later, arok was knotted and imprinted by klopp. It's the first time arok heard klopp saying an "i love you". He panicked, scared that this is a dream and he will wake up soon, as he believed that klopp would never love him. Klopp comforted him and whispered i love yous till he fell asleep.

Afterward, count arko's belly was starting to grow, he said it will be an omega child, with blonde and blue eyes and will be named as rafiel. Klopp was angry and shouted, jealous, that he will never allow a rafiel name in his children. He insisted that it will be an alpha son. Klopp spoiled and cared so much for Arok during his pregnancy. Arok disliked raisins, and spits them out. They moved to someplace far from the people's eyes, as it will complicate the reputation of the count. Count arok is known to be an alpha, and if words came out that he become an omega, there will be rumors and disputes esp on him being a taywind heir. So they decided not to bring this up for a while as klopp will work on it later. He wanted to legally marry count arok but alpha to alpha marriage was not allowed yet, so they have no choice but to wait for the mean time. Klopp promised arok that he will make him his wife legally and will work for the documents.

Arok birthed an alpha son, with features same as Klopp. Arok panicked, he cannot believe its his son and rejected it at first, but later calmed down and breastfed the baby. He whispered that things have changed. He keeps on having panic attacks where he begs klopp not to take the child, like he is confused if this life was like in the last life. In his hazy confused moments, arok told him a story. Klopp felt goosebumps and chills as arok told him a brutal story which is actually their first life. Klopp did not know that it is their first life, and thought that arok was still not on the right mind, but he still felt disturbed. Klopp rides on his story, still not considering it as the truth, he plays on and says that he forgives him, and he loves him, where arok reacted strongly while sobbing and told him if he can love klopp now. They exchanged i love yous and arok slept. Klopp thought that maybe that dream is what caused arok to behave like this, like how he loves to eat, how he don't like it when klopp leaves and why he only now said his affections and reciprocated his i love you. Klopp thought that arok had this emotional instability due to this imaginations and was probably the result of his strict upbringing in a noble house. He's determined to heal that by giving infinite love. He whispered to his baby son that arok was someone who lacked affections and they should love him. When he woke up, he saw arok with the child. Arok looked different, like he was finally happy and he looks better with a lighter atmosphere and look on his face.

Arok was standing, still at the secluded garden again. He saw a tall man, klopp laughing, with several children with him. He tried to shout at him, grab the blurry scene, but he can't. He saw an omega, rafiel westport. Arok smiled and cried. Arok looked at them in his blurry vision a little longer as he knows he will be swallowed by darkness again soon. It was enough, it was a fleeting dream, but i am happy. Klopp looked at him and he stared back smiling but crying. But opposite of what he thought, Klopp did not turn back, instead shouted at him and ran towards him. He woke up to the shouting, and saw Klopp worried. They are in the rose garden, and two children came running to him calling him mother. Klopp and arok currently have 2 children, Lennok the alpha son who looked like klopp, and urea his omega daughter with blonde and blue eyes, and soon, as he is in his early pregnancy now, a baby son who have klopp's hair and blue eyes, Jester. Klopp comforted him and kissed him. Arok laughed, he hugged klopp back who in return wiped his tears.

Now the darkness is gone and there is dazzling light.

PART 3: (Original klopp regression & arok) [Arok pov]
They had an encounter again in the rose garden where they always met at the first time in each life. Klopp was angry and histerical when he met arok first. Like a madman he shouted and cursed the clueless count. Arok was surprised to his outbursts and was assaulted, arok screamed for help, luckily his servants helped him to kicked the madman.

The second encounter was when he got lost after he went in a concert at the royal music hall. Distracted, he got lost in the streets. There, he met scammers. They attacked him and luckily he was safe, as he was helped by Klopp. Arok was wary of the madman, but Klop was calm. He asked if Arok cannot remember him, and arok was still clueless. Klopp, smiling, confirmed he came back in time. Arok felt goosebumps and creeped out, so he said his goodbyes and left.

The third encounter was in the party of duchess clayton. He was surprised to see the madman in the party, and how people treat him with respect. In his mind, how did this mad swindler able to trick these people? Arok thought. To avoid klopp, arok went to the terrace, but he was found and cornered by klopp. (Klopp was shamelessly flirting with him lmao) He felt fear for the unpredictable madman klopp, and klopp seeing how arok paled infront of him, let go. He went on a rampage like a madman with rabies, and then was caught offguard with the sudden calm demeanor like a saint born under the star of reason, and now he's showing his desire like a dog in heat.

Soon arok was in trouble, as how his life started to go down like the other life, his financial invesments are failing. He tried and asked for a trusted finance advisor, and resulted to all of them pointed to Klopp Bendyk. Left with no choice, he asked for klopp's presence. But Klopp did not want to be paid by money, instead he wanted arok. Arok who was desperate, agreed. They had a contract, where klopp will manage his debt and income, in exchange, they will have an "agreed relationship".The day of the agreed date of payment is due. Arok had a rough nightmare of him having sexual intercourse with klopp. Clueless he went to the room inside the mansion where they decided to do it. But instead, when Arok told klopp that all the neccessary equipments are ready, klopp laughed. He intended to court arok, not to force him into it.

The meet ups continued. One time, after arok's visit in an art gallery, he found klopp waiting in the mansion. Arok was surprised to see his beloved books in the table, like they were picked up. He was curious how klopp knew his favorite books. When klopp's about to leave he leand to arok, he looks like he was about to kiss him, but instead kissed his forehead. When they had a conversation about the old cabin, Arok said he wanted to remove it, as the cabin dont match the beautiful rose garden but klopp asked him to leave it as it is. There also ended up about the topic of the "payment" as arok's joked that he's about to cry with how long klopp's taking it. Klopp said he wouldn't want him to cry, he will feel like dying on the spot. Later they kissed and had an agreement to do it the next time. At the agreed day, Klopp was having doubts, he asked arok, "Is it okay if we do this? To be honest, I am afraid that the days of hating each other will start again." Arok was confuse again, as Klopp keep on spouting different things each time. He keeps mentioning things that he cannot understand. They went on it but not all the way.

Then there was a dinner incident where klopp said something offending to rafiel. Then arguments came where arok, wolflake, and klopp quarrelled. Rafiel cried and walked out and marquis wolflake followed to comfort him. In the carriage, klopp said to arok not to touch rafiel. Arok said he would as he dont have any ill intention to the innocent omega. Klopp said because of jealousy, because arok wanted to be an omega. Arok laughed and said he put pride in being an alpha. There he thought that klopp liked rafiel, and that he, arok, was just a substitute for klopp's desires for rafiel. They had an argument in the carriage and ended up arok firing klopp and left. Then arok went to the slums again to "vent" and find an omega to a brothel. However he met scammers again, where he found klopp again. His attackers were killed with klopp's sword. However, the back ups came and klopp was shot. They went to klopp's house to be treated. Few days he came and visited but klopp was unavailable as he was resting. One day, he invited klopp for an evening party. However what came is a letter of apology for not being absent. Arok decided to go to klopp's house.

There he heard klopp cooing someone, speaking softly, and eventually saying rafiel. Angered, arok stormed out of klopp's house and went to marquis wolflake estate. He told the marquis that he was being cheated by rafiel, his fiance. But wolflake told him his fiance was upstairs, and rafiel indeed came down, still sleepy. Arok was dumbfounded. Who was that rafiel that klopp was talking to? (Klopp was hallucinating of baby rafiel in the first life, as its a symptom of his imprinting :'( ) He went back to the klopp's house and there he saw klopp in his crazed moment. He's like not himself and eventually, almost killed arok by strangling. Arok defended himself and injured him in the head. Klopp kept apologizing, paled. Turns out, he confessed he's imprinted, and it was his imprinted symptoms that made him go crazed. But it's not rafiel westport. It was someone else.

Heartbroken and terrified, arok hid in his mansion for days. Letters of apology keep on coming from klopp and sometimes he cames in the mansion but arok did not meet him. Then arok decided to go out after few days. He went to the hat store, but surprised there was a reserved hats for him paid by klopp, he was angry but took it. Next he went to an art gallery, but discovered there was a canvass that klopp ordered, and he saw a painting, a skinny man inside a worn out cabin, blonde hair blue eyes, sitting in a chair beside the sack of potatoes and daffodils, playing chess with stones on a table. (It was the arok of the first life :'( ) He was angered again, as he consider it a shame as the painter told him the man is him. It was an embarrasment to the count, he is not a worn and skinny man but a noble count.

Later klopp went again to the mansion, but then the angry arok threw him the hat and the paintings. Klopp was saddened and asked if he did not like it. Klopp said that he was indeed imprinted. And it was his last visit to the count as he will now meet that person and go with him. Arok asked if he looked like him, but klopp said he did not, and added that his soul only belongs to that person. Arok calmed, and they said their goodbyes. Later, a gunshot was heard.

Klopp was saved thanks to wolflake who ticked his gun beforehand so it exploded in his hands instead. Though there are still impact and a wound on his head and fingers. Klopp claimed he have amnesia, and the relationship between them progressed. One time klopp spilled the name arok, an omega, so arok search for that person, but ther was no one. Later he discovered he is also turning into an omega. He asked klopp who did he imprinted to, but klopp kept saying it is arok taywind. It was him all along. Arok knew it did not make sense and only thought that he's still not in the right mind because of the imprinting symptom and amnesia. (I think later on when they had intercourse, the imprinted was indeed arok, but i believe that's actually impossible without intercourse so arok cannot believe it as its their first. Klopp imprinted with the past arok but i guess same dna so it worked with present arok.)

In the last chapter, it was revealed that klopp did not have amnesia, but only wanted to hide his past life to the arok of present. Klopp wanted arok taywind. His mate. His imprinted omega. His devil. But in that life, he's not there. He realized his soul would never have a second chance to rest by his side. He was not allowed to be by his side. Instead, he whispered i love you to that beautiful present arok taywind. He hoped that these unfinished whispers of love will reach it's proper owner someday. He hoped that if he loved the person infront of him with all his might, one day, that battered man will come to meet him.


*Please read the spoilers above to understand the spoilers below*
Explanations, Additional spoilers, & opinion
[SPOILER=" Did klopp love arok in volume 1? "]
It wasn't clearly said what klopp felt for arok. Is it affections, lust, anger, envy, insecurity, longing, or other crazy twisted emotions. I think klopp was really attracted to him though, be it physical attraction, or obsession. (Well our count arok was said to be gorgeous and beautiful. He had that noble aura and elegance, that even when he was worn and skinny, he is still beautiful and serene.) But i believed klopp did not forgive him, and also did not forgive himself. Both are guilty, having twisted relationship, and misunderstandings. An enemy to lover troupe with dark plot and bad ending.

PS. The part 1 should be really a forbidden book hahaha. The part 2 is pov of klopp, where arok reborn. But only arok have his past life memories, while klopp had dreams of his past life.
[SPOILER="What happened after arok died in first life"]

It was mentioned what happened to the family after arok's death. After arok died, they discovered that the two was imprinted. Later, the mansion slowly became quiet as his children one by one left to follow their loved ones. He was only left with the spacious mansion, with the beautiful rose garden and the small cabin. One time, he saw the desolate cabin had its dim light again, he rushed downstairs ans shouted that name, but all he saw was the abandoned cabin. Then he realized it. He glanced at the side, and saw the tombstone buried in stone. He stood there for a long time.

It was also mentioned that rafiel, the first child, sooner known that rafiel westport is not his real mother, but was actually the count arok taywind. He was upset and left the estate, refusing to acknowledge what his father told him that his mother was the dead rafiel westport who was named after him. In anger, klopp cursed arok's tombstone and tried to destroy it with a hammer, where the second child, alpha son, interfered and was injured eventually. Seems like also klopp, now old with his silver hair, was unable to walk and mostly spend his time inside the mansion, in a room where the garden can be seen, sitting, staring blankly at the rose garden and the desolate cabin, from dawn to sunset. He was alone in the melancholic house.

[SPOILER="Did klopp loved rafiel in volume 1? "]
In my opinion i think he did love rafiel in part vol 1. Not that head over heels inlove that you will fight societal barriers or almost impossible love like with arok.

If i would judge including the story on other volumes, I think it's more like choosing stability with rafiel instead pursuing an uncertain life with the arrogant and difficult count arok. And maybe, that's how it was too in their first life, too. Like, he refused this attraction to arok and instead dumped all his attention to rafiel to lose feelings, and eventually learned to love rafiel. The difference maybe is that in the part 1, klopp did not pursue what he felt to count arok, successfully being with rafiel in what supposed to be stable life, learning to love his spouse. Arok also tried to avoid him due to his jealousy before then. While in the part 2, because of their continued meeting and encounters that made Klopp's feelings stronger, he destroyed that barrier and restraint, chased the count arok and loved him infinitely. And in part 3, it was klopp first who showed motive, and eventually they both flirted. I believe it's also like a ripple effect, as oc count arok's and oc klopp's actions caused these events to change compared to the first life.
[SPOILER="Why did klopp took revenge?"]
i think he took revenge on arok because he did not see his repentance and he was angry because he still feels grief on the death of rafiel after many years, while the "killer", arok, was already moving on in his life. That is why he have mixed feelings towards arok. He treats him hot and cold, and because of his trauma and crazed mind, he torments him to see him beg for forgiveness. But he also treats him with little care, sometimes. He did mention that if only arok showed guilt, and beg at him while crying, he would have treated him better. We should also take the point to remember how arok behavior is as he is taught to be calm and mask his emotions. He feels teribble inside, but he keeps calm and smiles outside. It's like how he defends himself, acting like it doesn't matter, that it doesn't affect him, that he shouldn't show how hurt he is. It was how he was raised, and he cannot change that. Klopp taught he is provoking him more in these actions, and his hatred even grew. He became disgusted with arok but he was unaware of how arok responds pain. Also (credit to that person who posted) it was that maybe, klopp was disgusted to the thought that he fell in love with a devil, that kind of person and he probably felt angry to himself and to arok too.

[SPOILER="Who did end up with who?"]
I am also confused but it seems like after their deaths in the main story, the souls of original mc & ml are separated and regressed to other parallel world/life (?) In part 2 & 3, they met their partners, and had the same events happening. But different plot as they took different actions. The partners are different too. Oc arok with his past memories of first life, & unmarried klopp who chased arok. Oc klopp with his past memories of first life & noble arok who didn't fell first and maintained his nobility. It's like meeting the new version of their partners. Learning who they really were without the tragic and brutal history. Both of the originals hid their past life in their partners in those worlds. Like how klopp considered oc arok's past memories as a dream or imaginations. And arok considers the memories of oc klopps as past hallucination from a mere symptom of his illness of imprinting and amnesia.

[SPOILER="To further explain the ending of volume 3"]
Infront of him now was the arrogant, noble, and beautiful Arok taywind. The most brilliant creature in the world. But not the, arok taywind he longed for. He wanted to meet that past arok taywind, so much that he comitted suicide. But he will never be with him again. It doesn't mean that he do not love the arok infront of him. The arok in this life was how he knew past arok better. His brilliance, his wits, his cute, and funny side. He never knew that his past arok was this kind of person before the tragedy. But the person who made him feel guilt and deep affections was the past arok taywind. That longing and guilt, I believe its his punishment. He may grovel at the ground, kill himself, hurt himself. But time cannot be turned back. I think his regression, is not a second chance, but to make him feel the pain and guilt more, as he slowly know how good person arok was, that this brilliant present arok, was reduced to that worn skinny past arok, due to his sins. The also brilliant past arok that he ruined and cursed, will never come back to him no matter how he regret. It is his punishment..

The unhappiness of being unreachable and unforgivable even when it's also Arok's by his side. It's a bittersweet ending fitting for Klopp of first life.
[SPOILER="How imprinting works in this world"]The imprinting of alpha and omega is a forever bond. But in this life, most of the disadvantages will fall to the alpha. As how klopp's behavior changes in the part 3, it shows that his imprint in his first life still tied on him. He had hallucinations, intensified obsession, lust, longing, and physical symptoms like coughing up blood. This takes a toll on his mental health and everytime he would be rejected by his imprinted omega, he spits and coughs blood. But when he imprinted with the present arok when arok is slowly turning into an omega, i think it worked even though who he originally imprinted with is past arok, i guess the dna are the same and matched cuz basically its the same person.

It was said that when an alpha imprints an omega, it is harder on the alpha side. In one of the side stories, it was like even said to be like a curse. The alpha will have difficult timesto live if his imprinted omega died. The klopp in the first volume was said to have suffered the extreme symptoms, and only had the motivation to survive for his children. [/SPOILER]
[SPOILER="How did an alpha arok became an omega"]
In the volume 1, it was said that klopp tricked arok into taking pills that will transform him into an omega. The pills worked, but it hurted arok so much in the process.

In volume 2, not much was mentioned on how he became an omega again. But arok said that he slowly turned into an omega when he met and started to keep on meeting klopp.

In volume 3, he checked to the doctor and was told that he is not an alpha or an omega. The doctor gave arok a tester that will show blue if alpha, and red if omega. However, the tester showed purple instead. So he was either or neither an alpha and omega. Although he is probably can be fertile and get pregnant, as the doctor gave him suppressor and birth control pills. It is where klopp discovered those and that was when he knew that arok changed again.

Overall, i think it was that in each lifetime, arok was supposed to actually change from alpha to omega. The doctor in volume 3 confirmed this. So that pills fed to him by klopp in the first life was probably triggered his dna to "awake" and have mutation, eventually his gender to changed. I believe that what triggered that change from volume 2 and 3 are him being exposed to klopp which stimulated the mutation.
[SPOILER="News on rafiel on these volumes?"]
In the volume 1, he was raped and killed with the unborn baby. Though it wasn't mentioned if the baby was indeed klopp's child, i think rafiel isn't someone who will cheat, especially in that timeline where he is married with klopp. He is a fluffy scaredy cat innocent omega. And i don't think marquis wolflake is someone who steals someone's lover, as he is someone who puts respect in serious manner. Also, in vol 2, even though he looked like he's burning in jealousy, all he did was glare to klopp and back off. He know the definition of boundaries and relationships. Iirc, there was also no mention of marquis wolflake and rafiel interaction in this volume though.

In volume 2, it was mentioned that marquis wolflake keeps on glaring at klopp whenever klopp is close and touchy with rafiel. Klopp and rafiel were lovers in that time, as they were arranged to be married. Later, it was mentioned that in one of the parties of arok, here the engagement of rafiel and klopp was already denied long ago, rafiel was seen to be with marquis wolflake. Soon, the two went to foreign country and got married.

In volume 3, Rafiel and klopp never got together. Since there was a scene where klopp offended rafiel, it was an event that caused rafiel to hate klopp as he is rude and rough person. Marquis wolflake comforted rafiel that time and i think that is the turning point where they became close. Later the two became engaged as it there was a scene where rafiel was inside the household of the wolflake late at night, and wolflake calls him fiance. Soon it was said they got married, and traveled the world. Although rafiel miscarried their firstborn, he is pregnant again and was currently stable and safe to keep the baby.

Marquis wolflake is known to be cold through and through, but whenever he is with rafiel, he becaomes soft and gentle. I am not sure but i think he is somewhat like a soldier (?). The people around him was also shocked to know that this person who is like gonna froze anyone he meets, was warm to rafiel only. He was said to be hard to get along with, as he looks snob, but it was mentioned that he is actually an easy going person, as long as he is respected. I think the pair is a cute match. A fluffy sunny omega and the snob sunny omega protector. [/SPOILER]
[SPOILER="Did klopp actually made arok fall from grace in volume 1?"]
This, i am not sure. Depending on the circumstances, there is a possibility that he did and did not. Maybe he did, but either way, j think the county was bound to fall from grace even without his influence. After reading all these volumes, Count arok was proven and tested, to not be inclined to financial management. He is unskilled in this subject, and can easily be tricked as he was repeatedly scammed on every life. He doesn't know the value of money, like how a silver coin can mean so little, and how big the funds of taywind lineage has that can even support a country. (Mind you, the count heritage was older than royal family, so you can only imagine how enourmous their fund treasury is, but he still manage in every life to get scammed and almost go bankrupt ) He is clueless on the basic chores and knowledge in life. So i believe whether klopp did dirty tricks for his investment to fail or not, the taywind treasury is bound to be reduced as how he cannot manage them. He doesn't even know to collect his receipts and to read the ledger. Anf he keeps on signing contracts without even reading into it and checking upon it. He thinks it's such a hassle to keep reading copies of contract so he just signed and signed.
2023-07-21 07:35 marked

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