Heredera created a topic of The Witch and the Beast
Heredera asked a question

Is the site broken or it's just a me problem??? I kept reloading the pages but it has this broken pages soni don't know if others are experiencing it too

Im so confuseeed i thought that actually happened until i saw another comment

Heredera created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

I AM SO JEALOUS!!!!! (have a boyfriend but still) AAAAAAAHHHHH MY SHIP IS SAILINGGGG!!!!

Heredera created a topic of Eleceed

Now we'll wait for 7 days again β•₯﹏β•₯

Heredera created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Putangina mong lalaki ka, baboy baboy mo!!!

Heredera created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Im still at the chap 70 and that was intense, the way the author draw that.... That's hot

So far im liking this novel-like manhwa (●'β—‘'●)οΎ‰