Toma created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

i know it's cute how the creator is so into games they decided to make a BL work including online games. but i literally do not careeeee about what their characters are doing in game and their battles, i need development irl!

and how rude is it that MC left his friends that helped him move alone and starved at home so he can play games by himself in a PC cafe???

Toma created a topic of Yona and Chang-il

this is so sad

Toma created a topic of The best luck of my life

dude threatened to kill himself and then sexually assaulted the guy who just tried to save him + avoid trauma. this isn't romantic, this is deranged and criminal.

Toma created a topic of The best luck of my life

i was totally on board until the assault in ch.8
that hit me like a truck, what a waste. dropped.

Toma created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

so this psycho is trying on sooyoung what he failed to achieve with his mother: getting someone you love to love you back with the same intensity. he'll use manipulation, violence, stalking, and other sly methods to seem like a savior and safe haven to sooyoung, just so he can get sooyoung to be fully his. i'm scared that if sooyoung were to just shift his focus on someone or something else for a second, jihwan would go nuts and remove that threat or just go mask off and force sooyoung into isolation with him against his will. he needs help, his oedipus complex is extreme.

Toma created a topic of Sakura, Saku

this is getting ridiculous. frustrating tropes of miscommunication (or lack thereof), love triangles and saku (FL) being way over her head with her savior complex to the point of just being rude af to haru (ML). this isn't fun, it's just needlessly going in circles and creating drama with no substance. what a disappointment.

Toma created a topic of A Second Goodbye to You.

seems like sora and hakuraku (the teacher) are working together on creating an artistic legend. death is a central part of it, and they are obsessed to the point of hurting other creatures and people.

Toma created a topic of Maria no Danzai

what i hope this manga does is show us catharsis through revenge (as opposed to the usual "oh i am just hurting myself by hurting the criminal who wronged me, i am no better than him and also violence doesn't solve anything boohoo" narrative we always get).

i am sick of victims, like this mother who lost her son to psychopathic bullies, being expected to be perfect - as in mourning but compliant with the law, perfectly healthy mentally, rational, sense of moral still intact, pitiful, etc.

yeah, violence doesn't solve the problem of bullying that is rampant all over japan, but it could solve the personal inner hatred, frustration and injustince experienced on an individual level. sometimes violence in retaliation to an immense act of cruelty should be pardoned and, fuck it, even administered as therapy lmao.

"oh but torturing and killing people scars and destroys you as the perpetrator, too, even if the victims deserve it!" bihh idgaf, i'd rather have trauma from hurting someone than from being hurt by them. and maria is carrying the trauma of losing her son in a devastating manner anyway, so that train has left the station.

why should the state have a monopoly on violence, when its institutions are letting violence like bullying happen and even perpetuate that cycle by conforming to inaction, victim blaming and an insufficient system that doesn't implement programs to stop that behavior on a cultural level? violence cannot be right and just only in the hands of the state. in fact, just think of wars - they are violence enacted and justified by the state.

so then, fuck the state and its monopoly. if you wanna commit to it, then do enact your own violence in retaliation to an evil that has lived and grown completely untouched by the state. go show your victimhood in a manner that is uncomfortable to the rest of society. you deserve it. an eye for an eye, until the state wakes up from its peaceful slumber and starts tackling the problem causing a vicious cycle by its roots.

i just hope maria's husband will cooperate, if he finds out that it's his ex wife that is doing all the serial killing. i hope he finds out why she does it and just lets her. that he never mentions the bullying problem and its evidence during the investigation. show it if she gets caught and put on trial, to help her gain sympathy from the jury and make her sentence milder. be a supportive husband and forget serving the state.

Toma created a topic of Our Sunny Days

1. i love the little boy. if i had a son, i'd want him to be as sweet as him, and i'd give the world to him.
2. i really hope this is a romance between two country bumpkins building a life together, not a rich prince saving the poor damsel in distress with his wealth.

Toma created a topic of Dreadful Night

THIS IS HELLA INTERESTING. i'm so invested omg i found a new gem

Toma created a topic of When the Killer Falls in Love


Toma created a topic of Aren't You My Type

if i finally got to know the man of my dreams, was incredibly attracted to him and his personality was just the best, and then we kept in contact so my feelings deepened beyond repair... i'd feel so betrayed, humiliated, disappointed, disgusted, self-conscious and embarassed after finding out i'd been catfished by him and his best friend, that i'd be carrying that shit for the rest of my life, probably having trust issues and a good portion of misandry.