Heyyy! Can you please gimmie the link of the raw pleaseee! Prettyyyy pleasssewwwww!!!
Idk if this is the raw or not but here you go <3 https://www.google.co.kr/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwju2dbtnZ3sAhUCsKQKHUPXCq0QFjAAegQIAhAC&url= http%3A%2F%2F142.93.151.75%2Fen%2Fcomic%2Fwagging-the-tail&usg=AOvVaw36I5W0cyf5zUcmM41yeCDu
Ooohh nooo. I saw this coming
I mean any kind assaulted is something no one should ever ever experience and the story could move on just fine without it, it's just something that happend in every god damn story and it annoys me so much I can't-. It's almost like the author didn't have any other idea and was like "oh you know what? They weren't sexually assaulted or harassed or r a ped or whatever horrible bullshit u can do to a human being yet, let's write that, yeah that's a good idea the readers will love to see that"
She's one of the best girl character in the manga, so please! Don't kill her! I really love her character