I want fried chicken so bad, but it's 1: 00am.

WishingStarz created a topic of Roses and Champagne

I'm on Caesars side this time.
leewon doesn't sound like he's giving his boyfriend enough time which is not cool when you're in a relationship.

WishingStarz created a topic of Cherry Cake

On one hand it's relief that him being 19 means he's not underage. On the other hand they could have just given one more year so he's not a "teen" anymore. I know at this point I'm just being picky with the age but still.

He said that he had his ID for 2 years, and you can get your ID and Korea at the age of 17. Also legal drinking age in Korea is 19

WishingStarz created a topic of Piercing Stab

They really toned it down in the webtoon
The torture arc was way worse in the novel, really gave you the feeling of suffering for Uke.

You can find a link to the novel and the comments below

WishingStarz created a topic of Dead man Switch

They escape the University, MC is able to help develop a cure. ML and MC are happily together, months later when things are finally feeling back to normal they each look up seeing each other across the street on the other side of the walkway from each other when. . . MC gets hit by car and BAM. ML is shocked awake in his dark dorm room having to start all over again.


His tattoo hands really threw me off.

I can say one thing for a fact after reading this, it made me go to my kitchen and make myself some fried shrimp. Delicious

WishingStarz created a topic of Raw

I'm on ML side.
I don't know about Korea, but in America the justice system for SA people is s***. Also rumors can really affect people, it already showed that the uke is sensitive so imagine if he found that out at that young age. Especially since kids are extremely insensitive and selfish at young ages. They would definitely bully him for this, if it got out. That could destroy him mentally and even make him suicidal. People have literally went to drugs or alcohol or self-harm and worst case suicide when they are SA. The perpetrator would get a couple years at most if any at all, if my loved one had to live the rest of their life affected by this then perpetrator sure as hell should be affected in some way for the rest of their life too. If that means I got to break a couple bones to cripple them, then that's what's going to happen. If somebody ever did that to somebody I loved I would do the exact same thing and I would NOT tell the person because I wouldn't want them to live with that trauma ... I know as hell I wouldn't want to be told.


The person that said the art style gets worse was not kidding.

I'm not saying it's because I don't like kids but I immediately would have thought it was the kid. Immediately no hesitation. Lmao

WishingStarz created a topic of Red Mansion

I think the main characters are well written, I like how each of their actions stem from their past and how that molded them emotionally / mentally. Like how ML enjoys the relationship since MC is obsessed with him. Especially since ML had the lack of attention and love in his childhood. ML has basically admitted that he is fallings for this guy but doesn't want to admit it because again he lacked that growing up. Then you got the MC who is anxious, obsessive and his new fear of being alone due to the fact that he had an unstable upbringing. And since he just lost his mom and he needs his dad he doesn't want to be alone.

WishingStarz created a topic of Red Mansion

Art assistant and editor are lacking! The panel when ML is collecting money at the convenience store, has the floating watch that is obviously supposed to be on his left wrist. Then you have the panel where MC(uke) said "Take me" shows the correct location of the watch being on his left wrist. However, the panel where ML runs his left hand through his hair is missing the watch all together.
Tsk tsk . . .

WishingStarz created a topic of Red Mansion

Everybody's talking about a levitating watch but I didn't see it. What panel/what chapter?

I keep wanting to call the guy carvana.. lol

I'm 4 chapters in and it makes no sense why she would want an annulment. She says the Duke despises her, but it sounds like he despises the dad because he was using a secret against him. Also the Duke seems like a caring individual so he wouldn't mistreat her when they're married. If she doesn't get married to him then she's stuck in the family that neglects and abuses her. Who will then just toss her to the next highest bidder for her to wed. And if she runs then she's going to have to work to make money. I feel like it's poor writing, it would have made more sense for her just to continue with the marriage to the Duke and work with him and treat the boy with care.

WishingStarz created a topic of Dear Teddy Bear

(⊙…⊙ )
No thank you.

WishingStarz created a topic of Roses and Champagne

Ah, Yes, let's provoke him while playing a highly contact sport like hockey. Lol

WishingStarz created a topic of Eleceed

Can somebody give me the chapter that Arthur is in. I completely forgot who this is.

Love Leo and his reactions. Lol


After reading this I only have 3 issues

1. Even though Ray knew that he wasn't related to Setz she only found out recently so feels too soon for her to suddenly have romantic feelings for her former brother.
(They could have saw that issue by having Ray reveal the truth when he killed sets the first time, before the time reverse)

2. Setz being 17 and Ray being 23 when they have sex the first time. Personally not a fan of a 6-year age gap but that's not that big of a deal compared to them not waiting at least one more year for her to be 18. She had just turned 17 too.

3. The epilogue was just for them to have sex, I would have preferred to see them with their children! I want to see what the kids would look like.