WishingStarz created a topic of Formless

I love this story so much, the depravity and toxicity of the seme. It's so well written too, not just physical violence everywhere, but mental manipulation. it's so far in the deep end that I hope there isn't a redemption arc, cuz that would just be pathetic. There's no way you can come back from the way he treats him. They should just keep the story as a dark romance.

I love fluffy adorable green flag stories but then there's a side of me that likes this kind of manipulation base story. I don't like all the violence though so other stories with this tend to be too much for me. That's why I appreciate that it's mainly him just using mind games on the poor uke

I think it works out because we didn't get time to develop emotional attachment to the uke since they dreamed right into their relationship at the beginning of the story. I think it's so cute how obedient he's becoming, I don't know what's wrong with me. But I do know I definitely don't like it in real life.

WishingStarz created a topic of Beyond Memories

Are they married or just engaged right now?
If they're just engaged when is the wedding?

WishingStarz created a topic of For You Who Grieves

They are so cute. ヾ(☆▽☆)

WishingStarz created a topic of Sunshine Shower

So far the only thing I've learned is that Seoyoon is as blind as a bat or at least can only see in black and white. Because all these large red flags that his "crush" keeps throwing him, gots MC looking in every direction other than what's right in front of him. WTF

MC IS MORE DELUSIONAL THAN THE MALE LEAD, The ML knows that he's got a mental disorder when it comes to his emotions and how he sees his relationship with MC. While the MC still doesn't see the sinking ship he's on. Lmao

WishingStarz created a topic of Sunshine Shower

Love the backhanded affair comment through the flower language. I definitely would have done that too if I knew anybody who had an affair.

However I'm introverted so I don't really have that many people I know. Lol

WishingStarz created a topic of Salty Lust

Poor Owen, other than him being a freak it's sad that he has to watch the person he loves die over and over again.

Yagi's face!

WishingStarz created a topic of Waterside Night

"I thought it tasted like that cuz my whole life is just bitter".

WishingStarz created a topic of Work Love Balance

I definitely didn't see that coming since the relationship has been so wholesome so far. It's not going to stop me from reading but it is disappointing that the author went this route instead of a different way to express "his anger" tsk tsk

WishingStarz created a topic of Work Love Balance

Last panel on chapter 28
He looks hot when he's mad.

WishingStarz created a topic of Shadow House

So many plot twists! I can't believe how much of a psychopath he is.

WishingStarz created a topic of Weather Forecast Love

Chapter 1 through 5 felt like part of the story was missing, I had to go back to check to make sure I didn't skip a chapter because major plot points came out of nowhere.
Ch 8. MC has a right to be pissed, I would be too. Especially if somebody I thought was my friend said "I think I can date you" like what kind of f***** up thing is that to say.

WishingStarz created a topic of Hitorijime My Hero

Plot did NOT age well.
I read this when I was younger and it originally came out which was the 2000s.
I was used to this kind of storyline with somebody close to my age. So I didn't see a problem with it but now that I'm older I'm so sad that the author went with a 15-year-old (now 17 in the storyline.)
They could have easily made it about college life, then the whole teacher and student aspect would still be there but they would at least be legal adults.
It's crazy how the legal age of adulthood in Japan is 20 but the legal age of consent is 15 to 16 years of age. They really need to change that.

Also though, America still has 31 states with the legal age of consent at 16 so I guess we need to change our laws to. Ugh


Love how the chess piece represent yoojin's as Queen and hyunjae as King. Lol


Reading this through the second time I see so many more plot holes than I remember. Or just lazy writing, really noticeable when Vivian was stabbed. She's laying on the ground dead or alive wasn't very clear at the time. But nobody was rushing to call a doctor or to call a priest to try and heal her. And then when the high priest showed up he could have apparently saved her as they said later in a chapter but that didn't happen. I feel bad for Vivian since she was there literally just to move the plot along so the author didn't put much thought into her actions and the actions around her. Wow. Lol
Either way it was a good read.

I love that the mangaka included a married LGBTQ couple in the back round like it was normal. Makes the manga feel more modern especially since nowadays it's way more accepted.

On one hand, when the MC struggles with thinking about a future with their same-sex partner it's a point of tension to make the story more "interesting" but when the manga comes out and 20 first century it feels very old school since lots of the same-sex couples have made a future for themselves. Whether by going in around about way to get married or even adoption to have kids.

On that note! I would love to read a manga where the point of tension for the couple is having a kid, whether through adoption or IVF, ECT

WishingStarz created a topic of Gig of the Day

I love that he just got left at the door like that, it's what he gets for not listening. What a prick of a guy, I wonder how his personality is going to change when he starts to actually date the MC. He's got an excuse to be flipping the way he is since they're just fuck buddies but can't be having that attitude when they're dating.

WishingStarz created a topic of Wish You All the Best

That cover is extremely deceiving. Ugh. I hope this was going to be a romantic story, instead it turned into a horror. Poor omega

My type of man please