How I wish this would have shook out the morning after Seowoo took Ohn home:
Jaewoo introduces himself as Jaewoo, says he's really happy his brother has finally made a friend, anyone who's in Seowoo's good book is probs cool, let's be friends maybe blah blah blah
Seowoo actually starts being Seowoo
Jaewoo and Ohn can have sincere, non shady interactions
And we're off to the races for Ohn's heart~
Added drama when the initial deception eventually comes out in the wash
The way Jaewoo actually handled it makes me want to slap him.... like boi you were so close to being free of all the bs..... come on....( ̄へ ̄)
Truth time baybeeeeeeeeee~ Clear the air please Christ let me breatheヽ(`Д´)ノ