⠀   ♱  ⠀Rhea created a topic of Shutline

How we feeling about the new chapter? I have some mixed emotions about it but I’m happy it updated at the same time

I can’t wait to see what happens to my two babies tomorrow hopefully they make up I hate seeing them like this but I get Taeju is blaming himself for the baby not making it even though it wasn’t his fault.

 ⠀   ♱  ⠀Rhea created a topic of PASSION

Is it just me or when it comes to the twins. The uncle seems to show more affection for Jaeui than Taeui I’ve noticed this while reading the manwha as well as the novel. I mean idk if he does that cause He knows Ilay is always gonna be there for him or what.

but I’ve noticed he gives more attention to Jaeui then Tay. I may be looking into so someone correct me if I’m wrong

I don’t know why some of you guys are complaining about people shipping Taekjoo and Zhenya when it’s literally canon they get together. they do love each other but in their own fucked up way. + the novel is gonna have more side stories added to where it perviously left off and we’re going to be seeing a lot of couple things between the two. Idk how some of you people are in denial. About it we all know how toxic manwhas end

I smell a love triangle coming . Please don’t let it be that case I hate them sm they’re so confusing

 ⠀   ♱  ⠀Rhea created a topic of Night Song

He’s so extra hot in these chapters ! The author is doing their magic

Say what y’all want about Woo-yeon but those face expressions never lie when he’s with Peter. My man is in love and feels so good inside of Peter I live for his facial expressions

I’m glad they finally did it without Woo-Jin having to use the hypnosis treatment for him. But what is Woo-yeon gonna do when it’s all said and done


This was hella rushed. I was on chapter 1 and then suddenly I’m reading them fwoping in chapter 22-23. Lmao I’m not complaining though I found the characters attractive

Ima need to see Woo-yeon and begging Peter to come back to him if he ever leaves cause bro he needs a reality check.

OMG! I love the way this omega is written. This is the first omega story that I actually like which was surprising for me. I always get tried of the way some authors write their omegas I’m glad the author didn’t make my baby Eui helpless

anyways. I feel like Taeju is going to survive but I’m more worried about the baby

I love time skip tropes but this one doesn’t make sense to me also I would have liked to see more of Sarah’s story with her lover they interested me.

ALSO second couple is literally so cuteee I love Gabin

Wasn’t he 15 when they first met? What does he mean 4 years younger? Does that mean that Jihan was 19 when he was working in the office while Joohyuk was 15? I’m so confused

but I’m looking forward to this

 ⠀   ♱  ⠀Rhea created a topic of Shutline

I’ve been rereading this a lot. This is the one manwha that I always seem to come back to it’s so good. + THERE coming out with an animated version of this I can’t waitt I miss my Babies

But I’m confused. About one thing Why is Jake keeping tabs on Shin? It’s confusing tf outta me so bad

Isn’t that technically rape cause he’s basically forcing him to agree to his shenanigans. Even though Peter didn’t really wanna have sex with him to begin with

It’s funny seeing the people who read the novel still in denial about the fact that Taekjoo and Zhenya are madly in love with it each other. I mean I get it I was in denial as well reading those chapters but I finally accepted the fact they’re in love towards the end I mean yeah.

Anyways kinda mad they didn’t add that one important scene where zhenya was in his office thinking about taekjoo and why he did what he did to him

Whoever is sending death threats to the author please stop I don’t want this to be another manwha that gets dropped by the author cause people can’t comprehend that this is fiction and these characters aren’t real. It’s okay to not like a story but going out of your way to be cruel and harsh to someone who puts time and effort into something is sick.

The people who are doing this need serious help- I don’t want this to be another case like Love Jinx that got dropped by the author Also same with Codename Anastasia and Under the green light. If you don’t like a story drop it but being cruel to the author just because you don’t like a story is uncalled for they don’t deserve that

OMGG the island arc is coming up I can’t wait. I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time I just hope the author doesn’t skip out on some of the scenes which leads up to the island arc. ! Prepare yourself ladies, gentlemen’s, and the gays the island arc is gonna be the best scenes you’ve ever seen ( just prepare yourself for some Angst )

Glad his dad went away but sihwa smiling while his boyfriend breaks down is weird lol. Poor Sohan I hope he never forgives his dad for what he did he didn’t deserve that

I want him to return back to a man too. But at the same time what if Rui tells his parents they’re dating and they get all mad at him ugh. I hate these kind of stories they make me overthink