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I'm literally listening to Wish (Inori Minase) right now lol. I normally just listen to anime songs or like ost. I also listen to utaites like eve, mafumfu etc. Mostly just Japanese songs hehe
It's advised for cannibals to not eat human brain because when it's kept open for a while it can get infected by prions. And prions can cause some really shitty diseases like kuru in which a person gets immobilized and pathologically laughs and dies laughing (ig it's called the laughing disease). Another one, before it was discovered that radioac......
There were a few times where I did get messages, then afterwards it's just bots whom I thought were people who genuinely wanted to recommend stuff so I thanked them which is kind of embarassing That was a long time ago tho, I dont get any messages now
My list 1.lemon chocolate chip cream with dried fruits&nuts
Can i go cry in your shoulders? :(