CAN ANYONE RECOMMEND ME STALKER MANGAS? (seme shud be the stalker plz)

Hopefully u'll find something here ( ̄∇ ̄")

https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/escape_into_oblivion/ there's a seme stalker with a twist. but him having stalker tendencies is not the main point.

I want to cry now but my demn tears aren't flowing down.. Please recommend me some emotional stuffs- I don't care which genre I'll read any I swear-!! IT JUST HAVE TO BE EMOTIONAL-!!

Try this https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/shounen_note/ (=・ω・=)
Alright so I've seen some fujoshis who ship malexmale in anime and fiction stuffs, but at the same time doesn't ship people in reality and gets disgusted by humans. Is this normal?
I've seen some people like that too. I live in a pretty homophobic country. I think why they're okay with shipping malexmale anime characters or etc is bcuz they see a lot of people on internet does it and thought it's ok if they do that do. Ironically, since in the society people still despises homosexuality, so they followed others to despise them. They just not realize what they did with shipping bxb on the internet is the exact same thing to support homosexual. It's ironic yeah... I also like 'wtf?' and confused by these people #-.-)
yes and the reason is because their real people with real feelings. Whereas in fiction they’re not. Shipping can make people uncomfortable especially when neither like each other romantically and are just platonic friends. Also sexualising them, or thinking of the two REAL males in a situation is odd and weird. I’m not a fujoshi (in fact i dislike the term) But i totally understand why people ship two males in fiction but not in real life as i’m the same, I find it a bit odd it’s like your not considering the people’s feelings, I know for a fact if I was shipped with one of my male colleagues or friends I would be uncomfortable, even though i’m a gay man that doesn’t mean Im romantically interested in every dude I see. especially when it goes to a extent where fan fiction of them exists.
that is definitely not the case. Most people I know who do not like irl shipping are allies of the lgbtq+ community or even apart of it themselves.
No, the people in my case are really homophobic to gay people irl and not even allies. I'd even talk to them and they are not shipping same sex people irl is not bcuz they found it might be uncomfortable to those people, it's really bcuz they get disgusted by homosexual irl. U know what's funny, these people I met not even shipping fiction character, they shipping same sex celebrities like kpop idols which are real people, and when it comes to seeing gay people irl, they talking shit about them, ironic isn't it? Like I said, I live in a homophobic country, society are not kind to lgbtq+ community in my country and these people who only shipping bxb on internet but find it disgusting when they see real gay people are like that maybe bcuz society in my country taught them to do so
I almost had a seizure trying to read all of that but yeah i get what you mean. Here in my country it's like that too.
personally i don't ship irl people because i find it weird. Doesn't matter if its a man and woman, woman and woman or man and man. I just find it extremely weird to ship actual human beings