I don't know why I can't support nakamura with hirose, because I feel he will not end up with hirose. I have a very bad feeling for this story, hirose and sensei are sus, I smell something bad. I hope nakamura can find new love, ganbatte for new love!
(but still hoping a good news between nakamura and hirose *sigh)

Helloo anyone, can someone spoil me the ending? And if you can, the whole story? I read the raw and still have no clue what happen to them in the end

Spoiler alert
In the end, the glasses guy was also a reincarnation of sensei's student who helped sensei bury his victkms. He swore to kill sensei with his own hands. If im not mistaken in the end they both died? Or is it only the sensei's? (its been awhile since the last time i read it)
First time see the cover and the title, I think this manhwa will be pure dirty smut. But after I read it, omg this is a gold. If you plan it to read it, pls read it and if you can, maybe support the author with read a few chapters in the official site!
I really like the second couple, but first couple is good too XD