Don’t even know why any uploader even pretends like they’re going to wait more than a day because it’s obvious they don’t give a fuck about the author. Someone literally asked this person if they were going to wait at least a day last week and they apparently agreed. No respect.

But it’s the same shit every week so I’m not surprised. Just don’t act like you don’t know what most people want for the manwha to stay on the site securely and then go against it directly to draw attention by uploading the same fucking day and expect the author not to notice. People literally tell her in DMS.

I think you should stop being an idiot and realize this exact same situation is what got Pian Pian taken down from the site. You realize that authors are not fucking stupid right? They know what sites are stealing from them. You also know you can buy the chapter yourself FOR FREE. This site has already caused multiple authors to drop their projects and publications and it would only take a lawsuit from a big publisher to have this site gone for good. The author literally tweeted last week begging people to stop illegally uploading, and she had SCREENSHOTS. I swear people like you have below average brain function.

That’s literally no excuse. I don’t even pay that often for chapters because I actually bothered to look at lezhin and how they offer free coins. You people will come up with literally every excuse in the book to not support. It’s always someone else’s fault right? You realize regardless you are not fucking entitled to read a comic that is someone’s job and livlihood? Who do you think you are? Oh you work? How would you feel if someone came in and cut the hours you worked in half and only paid you for those? Thousands of people pirate byeonducks work. She’s literally only getting paid a fraction of what she deserves. You realize how fucking sick she is constantly because of how hard she works right? That’s why I’m pissed. She doesn’t deserve to have greedy 13 year olds act like their entitled to her work. This woman works from literally right when she wakes up til she goes to sleep. Stop being lazy and actually use the free coin system. You cannot tell me you don’t have two seconds to do it.

Wow the way you say it is like she's working 24/7 for just a Few coins,
Why bother taking your time explaining how authors suffer when ur not even an author yourself, ur speaking truu 3rd person like You know them Personally..
Sure having your work stolen is pain in the ass but Have you ever ask yourself if they really suffer that much, Yes they suffer they lose money ofcourse as for others like depression and sickness you can't confirm that- (false info)
Also It's a little confusing, bc the way you explain it is way too dramatic like these authors are doing all of this projects themselfs that's almost like onesided opinion for me.... i can't side with you.

Ok so people are saying they didn’t really understand the need for a sex scene, especially when Seungho is supposed to be really sick, but I actually quite like it’s placement. It does seem kind of like a “fillery” chapter but I think it’s significant to how much Seungho has changed as a person when it comes to how he approaches intimacy. Before, with his partners, there really was no connection beyond just using each other for sex, and it was most definitely the case with Nakyum, where he only really sought to use him to reach satisfaction. But in this chapter, now that he realizes how deeply he feels for Nakyum, the sex is portrayed as completely different. He actually looks Nakyum in the eye, kisses him a lot more, and holds his hand during it all. But most importantly, he TALKS to Nakyum. He tells him how much he feels for him, and admits that the attraction and love he holds has ruined him. It’s saying a lot to me that he’s this vulnerable in front of someone that he deemed a lesser human 30 chapters or so ago. Sex is Seunghos primary form of affection, his “love language” so to speak. He’s obviously never been one for romantics, so he’s trying as best he can to communicate to Nakyum that he is special using the only form of intimacy he’s accustomed to.

I just think it was meant to be significant given that it’s been almost 10 chapters since they’ve had sex and within that span so much has happened to their relationship. I mean right after chapter 50 seungho literally stopped touching and talking to Nakyum because he was so deathly afraid of loving him. But now we’ve come full circle and Seungho is literally telling Nakyum he wishes he loved him back. It’s super nice in perspective of the whole story. (▰˘◡˘▰)

Thank you for this. The s€x in this latest update may have felt "fillery" but given the author's penchant for symbolism and details, i believe she wanted to show more than what words can explain in this episode, most especially the changes in Seungho (no matter how big or subtle). I think your analysis is super spot on. Byeondck so far has never included anything useless in her drawings, at least as far as i can interpret (or hope for)

The uploader can’t even wait a full day before swiping the authors revenue. Can’t say I’m surprised. They literally don’t care and refuse to listen to anyone. Oh well. Sooner or later it’ll be taken down. People just want to pretend Byeonduck doesn’t know if this site. They don’t even try to hide the fact they’re pirating her work.

For the love of god STOP POSTING LINKS TO THE CHAPTERS TWO HOURS AFTER RELEASE. If the uploaders have started at least not been complete trash to do that why are you here posting and promoting it? We’ve established practically no one wants it because the author gets nothing for her work. I swear to god every week without fail theres always somebody ruining it for everyone.

So it’s really clear in this chapter why Jihwa is so attached to Seungho. Not only were they childhood friends but they were also subjected to shameful treatments by their families to cure their homosexuality. Jihwa latches onto Seungho because they’ve been through a lot together and he knows the kind of torture he’s endured. Whether or not Jihwas father subjected him to the same kind of severe treatment and beatings as Seungho is kind of doubtful, but it was still hard for him nonetheless. Seungho is really the only person who can relate to Jihwa, and as such Jihwa wants to be loved by someone who also understands him. But Seungho is so emotionally stunted he is incapable of feeling that way about Jihwa on a deep level, maybe deep down he cares somewhat, as shown by the time he let him walk away unharmed after disrespecting him in his own home. His love for Nakyum was a very unexpected attachment even to Seungho and Jihwa feels abandoned being willing to love him through all the bad that has happened in their lives and instead giving his heart to a lowborn he just met.

Well hello there! Waited for your insights, and, as always, wasn't disappointed!
Yes I couldn't agree more, this is very on point. Jihwa really is a perfectly dramatic character, and in a very classical way too. He will bring destruction upon himself through his own actions. He's guided by the love, but in a twisted way. Almost immediately resorting to the murder as a solution (which suggested by someone else), without any second thoughts as to what he'll be causing. If it's true that Seungho loves that boy, he should know that by killing him, Jihwa will only torment and destroy his beloved Seungho more. The fact that he can't see it this way proves, that he's not just narcissistic, but also totally broken inside, with desperate, distorted mind amd emotions. He's not rational at all. If he understands SH so damn well, his actions should be polar opposite to what he's doing right now.

Love your insight too! These characters are so wonderfully complex and detailed. They almost feel like real people. The expression in their emotion is so good. And yes I agree, Jihwa is only worrying about what he wants. If he truly loves Seungho he should realize that Nakyum is making him actually feel love for the first time since he was a child. With all Seungho has been through its a miracle he could even bring himself to love anyone. Jihwa should let him be happy.

Why are so many comments disappearing? Like a comment having to do with what happened with publishers on the 15th is gone and so are threads about the scan group...

Because this site has gotten into trouble because of L*zhin Comics before. For a while, all of the popular L*zhin titles were taken down because uploading them became too risky. Now you're not allowed to spell out their name (most likely to avoid showing up in the search results when people search for L*zhin comics) and there's even one title that you're not allowed to name at all.

Just so people know, author Pluto has been made aware of the people I believe upload this work here. They upload Painter of the Night as well. She’s a fluent English speaker. If this manwha gets taken down. Know that you can directly thank “Toxic Scans”. They’ve been notoriously harassing people and sending death threats, refusing authors time to make money, and even tried to get Pluto to abandon her contract and “pay her” for illegally uploading her work. They set up a gofundme with a 5K goal claiming they had the artists permission to upload and Pluto’s responses say the exact opposite and they still continue to raise money for their own pockets when they just upload screenshots. She’s also aware of their ABHORRENT behavior towards Byeonduck who they already told they’d cease uploading from. All around, id like to see them directly sued. They’ve been successful in ruining two manwhas. I read legally, but I’d just thought I’d make you guys aware.

I buy the official translation when I really like a title and I'll most likely pick up this one when the official english translations comes out. But I've seen some of the stuff they've said and they're tweets with the author and just wow. And yeah, pretty high change this title will be terminated here like a few others have. I don't get why people do this shit and have to ruin it for other people.

They’re legitimately crazy. I’ve already gotten into it with them in the POTN forum and as soon as they got angry they sent in a little minion to harass me in messages and another one to tell me they hoped I died. They admitted it to, claiming that they were “treating me how I treated them” except I would NEVER tell someone something like that. Even if their behavior was as abhorrent as these people. They’re getting quite infamous from the way they seem to respond to any negativity with spam harassment. They are nasty, borderline evil and entitled individuals. Do yourselves a favor and don’t engage with them.

They literally called Byeonduck and the people that are against pirating her work “classist” and say things like “eat the rich” regularly. They really think because an artist wants to be paid that they’re somehow withholding a right from them. No, they believe they should be able to consume her content for completely fucking free because they simply want to. Never mind all the amazing free comics out there. It HAS to be this one. Once again, these are children who are mad because mommy and daddy never gave them money to buy porn.

Ohmygosh this is exactly what they did to my friend, too! She decided to send them an email privately, asking them to please not post immediately after byeonduck so she can earn a little bit more, and she was told not to be a hypocrite saint when she's on an illegal site. Basically they told her morals shouldn't count in around here. When my friend didn't agree, they repeatedly bullied and harassed her. She gave me ss of their entire email exchange. I was so appalled by the entire group's conduct. When my friend blasted them about the way they respond to her, they said they were just doing to her what they did to them. I think they have a different set of meanings to the words "harassment" and "bullying". I guess for them, it's only "harassment and bullying" if they are bring criticized. It's only "bullying" if it's being done to them, but if they do and say the very same things(actually, even worse things), it's "defending ourselves". The initial email wasnt even the least bit offensive, but that group continually responded with so much vileness, my sweet friend, who i've known doesnt even curse iRL, had to fight back. In the end she was mocked for being a "granny" (she admitted she was already 30 in one of their emails) who's too old to be reading "gay porn" (i didn't know

These people are LYING WITH A GOFUNDME. They claim the author will get a portion. That is untrue. The author has already expressed NO ALLOWANCES for reposts of her work. They are fucking scamming people and pocketing the money they claim is for the author.

Hello, please read this
Yall the uploaders dont give a single fuck about all of us telling them to stop uploading early they called us clowns, snitches basically talking shit about ppl who are telling them to stop
they are doing this on purpose, they dont care about the authors either, this uploader otakutingzz I messaged them on insta their account was public but today they went private, they were called out by the author of POTN and other authors they apologized but came back with a team they also have a GoFundMe with over 450$ donations, on their gofundme they said they upload with the authors permission (my ass) and thay they want to support the authors and make a difference they're obviously lying and their goal for donations is freaking 5000$ they're clearly benefiting from stealing the authors work and uploading right away gives them money instead of the author, go to their discord and gofundme and report the fuck out of them, they're fucking disgusting

honestly, whoever the admins of this site are, should just take down potn for now. byeongduck wont care about the site if their comic is taken down. other comics have been taken off the site completely (permanently) before and its the smart thing to do. those comics and potn are available elsewhere but cooling our heels is the best way to calm the author and halt DMCA take downs.. but just to be clear you guys all of u in the comments...potn cant get the whole site shutdown. the way it works is the IP holder has to claim infringement on their property and then threaten legal action if their comic isnt taken down. once it IS they dont rly have legal recourse to shut the site down without like getting a shit ton of other people involved. i doubt byeongduck has that kind of time or interest. if yall rly care about the author and want these shenanigans to end. just take potn down either forever or for at least a few weeks to make up for any extra losses she may have experienced cause of toxic scans (they are truly aptly named). thats my 2 cents

this site keeps eating my replies. smh. this site can only be taken down with 1. class action lawsuit that they win and 2. criminal suit filed by the appropriate authories or 3. whoever is hosting/funding this site decides to cut service or funding cuz of too many DMCA notices.
all this site has to do, is take down the creator's work when asked, if that happens they will have no further legal recourse unless one of the above 3 options is taken right after. the chances that byeongduck can recruit 100s or more creators across countries and language barriers for a class action lawsuit is highly unlikely and will require more time and energy than i think she would want to expend. easiest, quickest, best way to end this is to remove her work from the site.

And yet they fly off the roof when people call them "scammers" hahahaha! My friend messaged them earlier on insta and email, asking them, rather nicely, to be considerate and not to post immediately after the author so she can earn a little bit more money. She was bullied right back, even called a "shameless virgin complaining about gay porn". When she told them she was actually married, she was called names and mocked for being a "30 year old OLD woman enjoying yaoi" (didnt even know there's an age requirement in enjoying yaoi hahahaha!) My friend showed me ss of their email exchanges and i was so appalled, my hairs actually stood on end. Disgusting. This group is really disgusting.

This is apparently a new uploader but how tf do you not know not to upload the same fucking day? “I saw no one was uploading” she says and tells people to go support lezhin. Like why would they now that you’ve given everyone the new content? What incentive do they have? Seriously it’s not even been 24 hours and you’re worried about someone not uploading? What? The people that don’t pay can’t wait more than a few measly hours?
Byeonduck is putting the story on hiatus for a month. Why? Because of the entitled ass people I don’t doubt here are responsible fucking @ing her on twitter and telling her to go to hell because she’s not writing the story the way THEY WANT. Seriously those people are fucking vile and the way illegal readers often are entitled makes me believe they came from here just from reading a few comments already. It doesn’t even matter if you pay, LEAVE ARTISTS ALONE. How hard is it to keep to yourself and not throw tantrums? So now she’s changing the story because of these little fits people are having about her story. Stop complaining about any break she’s taking like any of you are owed something from an author you don’t pay. Period.
I didn't even know this was happening. But it must be tiring for Byeonduck.
That's not the reason, she took a hiatus at the same period last year as well.
Am I aloud to feel sorry for Byeonduck?