Mushicka created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

Can someone pls remind me who sir Elliot is? Was it someone she knew from when she lived with her father?

Pls pls pls can someone spoil if this is a ‘she ends up with everyone’ situation or just one of them?

Mushicka created a topic of Princess Shuden

Can someone please explain to me why her being a bride candidate is so bad? Why must it be a secret and what can the prince do with this information? Is it just about her dignity as a noble?

Mushicka add manga to list UNIQUENESS 101

Makoto is referred to as a "deviant" because of his abnormal inclinations and has always s...

  • Author: Ryo Sumiyoshi
  • Genres: Supernatural / Drama / Yaoi / Adult / Horror
Mushicka created a topic of Infinite Mage

Damn, the last panel was scary! Very excited for next week tho