I just saw a snake poke its head at me from behind my laptop. It hissed at me and I tried to hiss back and failed. It then turned its head slithered away. Do I have a new roommate?
Just wanted to give an update. I have calmed down enough to look for images of the most common snakes in south Texas and compare them to the snake I saw. After going through the list there is a decent chance that it may have been a rat snake. This means I am safe, but the mouse I saw yesterday is probably a goner.
look, the fact that people around here have eaten a snake before defiantly means the blender would chop it up. Also, it would not inflate like a balloon and just drown. I know this because I had a teacher who told us that snake tastes like chicken and because my dad had to drown a snake on one of his fishing trips.
Flying with a dragon is cool as hell