My fave lgbt movie is The handmaiden. Its a lesbian romance set in japanese occupied korea, a korean woman, soohke is hired as a handmaiden by a con man the trick lady hideko out of her money. Its very nsfw and full of great plot twists. Another good one is moonlight. it focuses on Chiron, a young black man in miami growing up. Its main focus is ......
AGE: 17 GENDER/SEX: Female SEXUALITY: Lesbian COUNTRY: India FIRST YAOI: Dash! FAV YAOI GENRE: Fluff FAV YAOI: Ameiro Paradox WORST YAOI: Any prostitution or omegaverse manga (except some rare good ones) WHEN DID YOU START READING YAOI?: Since 2017 WHAT GOT YOU INTO YAOI?: Youtube recommendations of yaoi anime and BLCDs DO YOU KNOW ANYONE ELSE IN......
Good LGBT Movies