snowie222 asked a question

my grandaunt died a few hours ago & she's old and have health problems so we kinda know and understand she may not live long but im getting freaked out cuz i took like a long nap this afternoon i didnt know she was rushed to the hospital at all but in my dream i vividly remember i was in a hospital and i heard the heart monitor flatlining and after i woke up while i was preparing dinner my mom just received a text that my grandaunt was gone. i mean this isnt the first time i had a dream-like premonition that came true in reality but this freaked me out

snowie222 answered question about question
I'm Christian but am I a devoted one? not really. My mother's side of the family are devoted Christians specially my mom so growing up I go to church a lot, till I was in my teens I attended weekly church but during my late teen I went less and less cuz of too much school work plus with my health getting worse (stress fucked up my health). Right no......
snowie222 answered question about question
as a fan with more then 10yrs of experience it's best for u to take your time its ok to be a multi-stan but dont overwhelm yourself compared to 10 years ago (2nd & 3rd kpop group) lots of fan bases of new generations kpop group can be very toxic a lot of fans preferring certain members only, some are very weird, obsessive, & very freaky about cert......
snowie222 answered question about question
no kids, my reason? it could be because im demi-asexual its hard for me to find someone im attracted to even consider a romantic relationship plus i dont have the stability in my life or the ability to provide a child's needs for me to even consider having a child right now. maybe in the future i would change my mind if i found somebody or im stabl......
snowie222 answered question about question
maybe the fates helped u dodge a bullet
snowie222 asked a question

turned 22 today!! (≧∀≦) i got asthma tho so i cant have lots of fun today ┗( T﹏T )┛ F*ck asthma y'all I dont even know what triggered it I wanna drink but my mom gave me the stare when i told her about it

snowie222 answered question about question
it's a 2 years age gap which is not that bad plus you're a legal adult already but if you feel unsure or unsafe with them set up some boundaries & talk to them about it your relationship is not that bad if the only problem is the age gap but try to inform other adults about your relationship that way they can observe you for your safety & so long a......
snowie222 answered question about question
MICO- Homesick, Senses, GLHF(Good Luck Have Fun) Halsey - Panic Attack Rose- Number One Girl Jimin- Who Epic the Musical Saga - Circe Saga this songs are the ones i play the most right now
snowie222 answered question about question
i think red ink may look dull on brown skin but it might depend on the shade of red in going to be used for your details, it might be best for you to ask the tattoo artist on which shade of red is gonna work on your skin.
snowie222 shared experience about break old habits
I spend most of my time reading in AO3 or here in mangago. I read to much that I wound forsake my sleep to continue reading more which is really bad for my health(my immune system has been F*ck*d up since the pandemic happened). But not reading or visiting this site during specific time would make me feel anxious
snowie222 answered question about question
it depends on your ancestry tbh Asians in general age differently compared to other cultures Asians tend to look younger than their age which is also attributed in their lifestyles. I'm southeast Asian and in my early 20s already but my facial features barely changed from my teenage years but I did recently noticed that it did become more sharp, an......
snowie222 answered question about traveling by bike
im too pale from not going outside that sometimes i freak out at night when i pass by my own reflection cuz i thought i saw a ghost plus my mental state basically makes me struggle going outside without getting panic attacks
snowie222 asked a question

Happy New Year everyone!!!!!!! the air quality just went down real fast ╥﹏╥ but the fireworks this year is prettier than last year

May 2025 be a lot gentler for me! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

snowie222 asked a question

is the raw novel for 'Superstar from age 0' really completed? cuz i read it and it feels incomplete