lolol created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

as somebody who is into psychology, this story is nice. but as somebody who wants to see a happy couple, i dislike it

lolol created a topic of Vanilla soda sky

started off strong but turned into a weird one.. idk

lolol created a topic of Kim and Lee

harassment is not cute lmao

lolol created a topic of A Pushover's Romance

quite boring until ep 9 tbh but they’re cute


this is nothing like the movie

lolol created a topic of Rivalry

i loved it if you want me to tell you the truth. but i had a FEW issues with it. i liked the first couple A LOT, not so much the second couple. i like hyuk and hyobin but not together. i’m not going to get too much into them but their dynamic is so boring and i just don’t care for them as much as others might. this story had a lot to do with accepting your partner and i feel like we don’t see that a lot in other novels so im glad to see some light shined on that area. i can’t wait for the side stories as i can’t get enough of doojae and euntak. before reading it, i thought it was going to be wayyyy too long but actually, it was the perfect amount of chapters! again, really great read and i hope to see more of them soon. (▰˘◡˘▰)

lolol created a topic of Lost in the Cloud
lolol created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!
lolol created a topic of Reality Lover

i like this because the seme compliments the uke during it all, like is that weird? i don’t like when its just vanilla and the seme doesn’t seem to be enjoying any of it but it actually looked like the seme enjoyed his time during sex.. idk

lolol created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

to recap yes yall cirrus and skylar are together they got together in chapter 89

lolol created a topic of LOVELESS

the art is amazing but it looks like it took awhile so i understand why it’s a one shot

lolol created a topic of Safety First
lolol created a topic of It's Stuck
lolol created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

idk i’m still confused so is heejae planning on leading him on again? aka ignoring his true feelings?

lolol created a topic of Can't get Caught! XXX

i love the art the story is honestly a good length

lolol created a topic of Kick Off

uhm okay definitely won’t be reading again LMFAO

lolol created a topic of Marry Me, Alpha

it wasn’t that bad but it was definitely weird

lolol created a topic of Wedding Plans for Mr. & Mr.

a point off because i hate miscommunication and this story has a lot of it BUT that point is regained cause i love how he expressed that he didn’t want to have sex every single day.. like there’s more to their relationship

lolol created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

i was so scared he was going to lead him on omg i thought i just read this whole story for nothing glad to know he’s finally getting it together..