Tbh If there’s anyone I’m disappointed in its Haesoo everyone else has had some redeeming story arc or development but Haesoo just stayed the same soggy sponge he do be a dick

Honestlyyyyy I hope he gets better in the next few chapters I think one of his biggest weaknesses is the fact that’s he’s high key so selfish and it showed in the way that he behaves and he treated taku but also earlier in the storyline. Joowon started off trash but his development has been *chefs kiss* I have hopes the same for Haesoo

How can you said haesoo stayed the same? He admit that he is as childish as joowon, he felt sorry that he want joowon to be as miserable as he was, he admit that at first he look down at taku photography bc he felt jealous. Also haesoo treated taku good. When taku didnt look well after joowon come to his house, haesoo felt concerned, taku even admit that he didnt like that haesoo is kind. Even this recent chapter, taku know that haesoo want to break up with him after the exhibition out of consideration, bc that how haesoo is.
I love this red bitch he’s so dumb but entertaining