the way child abuse was normalized in this manga is just........ honestly using violence as a way to discipline children will never be acceptable. nema’s just a lil kid let her live wtf is she going on abt winning over the priv tutor and rest of the family knowing abt the abuse yet not doing anything abt it?????? the mom didnt even console her and instead goaded her on wtf what a stupid b****???? at least the dad got angry. honestly, the author needs some lessons abt child abuse bc this aint right.

It’s a difference in culture, in my eyes westerners lack discipline. Like the people who aren’t disciplined usually are spoiled and there’s plenty of evidence on the internet. I’m also not just talking about westerners cause There’s been a couple times when I saw an over weight Asian kid curse at his mom when she was only trying to tell him to stop eating junk food and she didn’t use any discipline at all.

Not getting hit doesn't mean you'll turn into someone rude and disrespectful. I grew up in a western country and I don't really recall a lot of instances of children being rude/disrespectful to their parents. You'll get taught manners but not necessarily through fear, especially not fear of physical pain. There's plenty of ways to educate. My mom (single parent) never hit me and I wouldn't even dream of cursing her out. And I'm pretty sure it's the same for most people who were never hit by their parents, at least in the culture I grew up in.

im asian too and i also grew up being hit but that doesnt mean it should be normalized. since i experienced it firsthand, i dont think it will ever be an acceptable form of punishment. kids act out normally and make mistakes while growing up thats whats NORMAL. whats not normal is parents/adults hitting them for making those mistakes.
honestly, there are other ways to discipline ur children instead of hitting them. if u think that’s correct then i pity ur kids in a few years.

Few years you want me to be a teen mom dude, why tf are you assuming everything about me. Like your getting salty for no reason. 1 I’m a lesbian so there’s no way in hell am I gonna be pregnant, 2 I’m not gonna make a child when I’m a virgin in these few years, 3 you should stop being so petty when people don’t parent the way you want them to parent. I’m fine getting slapped with a shoe once in a while when I act out it’s normal. They aren’t beating me up to the point of serious injuries it’s fine.

lmao im not even being salty for “no reason”. and im not even pissy/mad. all ive been doing is telling to you straight up what i want to say. you’re the one interpreting it as me being mad/pissy even tho this is me being calm.
1. didnt know u were a lesbian so my bad
2. ig i shouldve used the term “in the future” instead of in a few years lol my bad again
3. so if ever i see a parent outright abusing their children i should just keep quiet abt it even if i, for one, know how emotionally traumatic that is for the child? tbh nowadays some parents abuse their children and call it “parenting” even tho its rlly not. just because ppl in the past use abuse as a form of discipline doesnt mean it should be carried over in the present/the future. I REPEAT THERE ARE OTHER WAYS TO DISCIPLINE CHILDREN THAT DOESNT INVOLVE VIOLENCE. ABUSE SHOULD NEVER BE NORMALIZED IN ANY SITUATION. if a parent resorts to violence in order to discipline their children then maybe they shouldnt have any kids if theyre too impatient to discipline them w other means.
4. i NEVER talked down on u or was i ever rude to u in my reply lmao all i said was “i pity ur kids in the future” since ure clearly ok w the concept of childhood abuse. stop gaslighting and putting words in my mouth when i never did anything of the sort. just bc ure losing in an argument doesnt mean u can make up smth that never happened.
5. you’re the one being pissy now lol (rlly creative w the “stuck up ass” insult!) i agree we all grew up different but u can’t speak for everyone abt child abuse. just bc in ur household, u got away w a few injuries, doesnt mean it was the same for everyone. yes, we all grew up different, but that still doesn’t mean abuse is ok in these cases. child abuse is still abuse and still has lingering consequences for most, no matter the degree of injury/trauma.

So I'm South Korean, and my parents were always very strict education and etiquette wise. I grew up being hit by my parents. I probably wouldn't suggest using physical violence as someone that experienced it first-hand, to discipline a child. Making mistakes, and growing up is many stages we all face. I think all this drama is pointless whatsoever. Everyone will probably teach and educate their child in different ways, but in the end of the day, this is just fiction, just a manga. This manga is from Japan, so the author/artist probably grew up like so, so that's what they believe. If someone wants to spank their child, you can pity their child, but I mean we all have our own POVs, experiences, and reasonings. We all grew up in different conditions and that's ok. It is up to the parent to decide how to discipline their children. I do agree that, sugar coating and spoiling isn't the way to raise a child, but some people think that's the best way to do it, to have the best relationship. If you think like that, okay cool, that's great that's what you want to do, and you can do it

I feel like readers shouldn’t demand values that are upheld in our modern time. Take note: this is a different world and most likely a different time. You can’t demand the “norms” that you have when the setting literally does not match.
E.g. During my parent’s time, getting hit with a stick by the teacher during class is acceptable. Now if you try to pull that, you go to jail.
If everything just went with how we should view things in our time, then you might as well replace the setting to modern times ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

no matter what anyone says, this was a good read and filmina isn’t being “passive” or “useless” at all. rather, she’s doing the best she can to protect her loved ones despite not being granted special powers like the others. quite frankly, the personality of filmina suits her and i can’t imagine the fmc having a fiery personality at all based on how the author designed the flow of the events and the compatibilities of the main characters which inherently translates to their roles as well.
geez, guys, READ BETWEEN THE LINES. not everyone in a manga can be amazing or OP all the time. if yall want something like that, then go read a manhua where the mc is unreasonably op and the storyline is almost always dumb. stop trashing on good mangas like this one. srsly yall are stupid af.
u can rlly see more of the depthness of the story especially their emotions compared to the animated ver which focuses more on the smut rather than the plot. THANK YOU FOR UPLOADING THIS HERE SAPH
where can you read the anime vers?(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ