rube created a topic of The Man Who Can't Taste

What did he really think would be the outcome of trying to reconnect him to his mom AGAIN after the blowout the last time??? For inwoo to say thanks???

I'm kinda hoping this ends as a tragedy. Inwoo dies jiho moves on and gains courage to come out he's happy the end

rube created a topic of A Campus Romance, I guess

Omg this is soooo cute. I love how quick the romance is. I was wondering what would be the conflict since they got past the 2nd ml, the girl friend who likes him, the random creepy dude, and the confession. So what's the conflict? His family? He's rich maybe there's some drama there. Her insecurities when it comes to love/being loved?
I wanna know so bad

rube created a topic of summer season

The author must be bored with this fake drama. It's not that serious

rube created a topic of 19 Days


rube created a topic of Perfect Buddy

If you asked me about this webtoon, I'd say it's a good read.

But if you asked me in a deeper level, I could fill 1000 pages.

This has solidified itself in my top 3

rube created a topic of Selena

I really wanna get into this since everyone seems to be having fun but serena is NOT making it easy. I get it dead parents, grief, trauma etc etc I guess my expectations were that since she feels slighted by him and her grandma she'd be secretly plotting to get back control of the hotel but she's doing nothing but whining.

Also her beef with the grayans did I miss something? It seems like the grayans being a murderous family doesn't affect her personally unless they killed her parents. If they didn't does she hate them because morals? Idk it was so weird to me how that is her main driving force to hate him

rube created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

Sooyoung better than me cause I would've laughed in his face

rube created a topic of Love Strongly, Surprise!

That fuckass tattoo is so ugly ugh

rube created a topic of Perfect Buddy


rube created a topic of Check You Out

Why is their dirty talk kinda cringe.....

rube created a topic of Shamed, Thanks To You

Oh so this is just about them doing it in compromising places

rube created a topic of summer season

I don't even remember what the fck this is about anymore. Seriously what was the plot before?

rube created a topic of Sparkling Baby

"What a funny guy" HAHAHAHA no babe you're the funny one

rube created a topic of The Man Who Can't Taste

Jiho being slightly bird brained was cute in the beginning but at some point he needs to come to some realizations. I honestly thought he was beginning to understand Inwoo. Like he was gonna stick beside his man against his waste family like Inwoo did for jiho but forcing that reunion KNOWING how he feels about his mom was low

Someone said Inwoo was trash for kissing jiho knowing his fear of being publicly gay but I don't agree. Shit move maybe but I won't say he's trash. Nooooow jiho not only running AWAY from Inwoo but agreeing to go with his ex? That's trash. Sorry but that's the dumbest thing you can do after arguing with your partner

HE caused the situation so the least he could do is go to Inwoo to try and explain his intentions better and apologize for not realizing its a bad idea. Things aren't looking too good for him in the future cause not only did he blindside Inwoo with his mom, he went to his ex's house when they had a fight.

If you can't handle drawing the dingdongs just leave the light savers pls

rube created a topic of Undercover Darling

Love the plot but hate that the author won't make the mc commit to being undercover. He's prob gonna fck it up with all his outbursts and it's annoying bc he's doing exactly what he wanted to before so why can't he do it now???

Also he obviously liked the ml before so why is so hard for him to lean into it???? It's not like the ml doesn't know his feelings so it shouldn't be that embarrassing

rube created a topic of Stars Seeing Nightmares

Hosung needs a performance review. That boy can't sniff out such a big issue with the nightmares even if it slaps him in the face

rube created a topic of Open at Night

Ooooh that's embarrassing. I mean how long did he think he can keep the lie going considering they go to the same school/classes

rube created a topic of Into The Thrill

How is it possible to redeem such a character if he's directly involved in the drugging and assault of multiple people?

They'd have to pull the twin brother trope out their ass or something

rube created a topic of Cozy Obsession

I'm thinking his friend irl loved him and wrote this story or his sister did. Has to be someone that knows the friend's house if it the same irl and in the book