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rube created a topic of The Man Who Can't Taste

Jiho being slightly bird brained was cute in the beginning but at some point he needs to come to some realizations. I honestly thought he was beginning to understand Inwoo. Like he was gonna stick beside his man against his waste family like Inwoo did for jiho but forcing that reunion KNOWING how he feels about his mom was low

Someone said Inwoo was trash for kissing jiho knowing his fear of being publicly gay but I don't agree. Shit move maybe but I won't say he's trash. Nooooow jiho not only running AWAY from Inwoo but agreeing to go with his ex? That's trash. Sorry but that's the dumbest thing you can do after arguing with your partner

HE caused the situation so the least he could do is go to Inwoo to try and explain his intentions better and apologize for not realizing its a bad idea. Things aren't looking too good for him in the future cause not only did he blindside Inwoo with his mom, he went to his ex's house when they had a fight.