In the novel, Riftan is a bitch. Yeah he make sure she straight and he saved her life one too many times. But when Maxi is trying? Always running away, straight bitch-like behavior I can’t stress this enough, he IS the problem. Anyways the ln is wayyy better read it: https://bednovel.com/bednovel/under-the-oak-tree-65857. try ch 94. book 2? *chefs kiss*

Many people said the seme acted that way because he got his pride hurt/uke’s behavior. I don’t think it’s that deep. I think the uke was unlucky to get shacked up with an obsessive sociopath. And for some reason (maybe pretty privilege is in there somewhere) the seme grew feelings for the uke and became erratically jealous when he found out about them having sex and lost control. So I don’t think it was for revenge, I think he was just crazy.

Pretty sure Aya is a predator and this is pedophilia on top of rape, Nazu you’re a victim.
Also saw a comment that “if you don’t like rape, don’t read BL.” Ummmm what?!?!?! Like do y’all realize how goofy some of y’all sound?? Rape should never be normalized, even in fiction. And “if it’s an industry thing” than we should start having issue with the industry and don’t support mangas like this. There’s no reason to romanticize rape, not only is it a slap in the face to real victims but it’s making light of a horrible crime and a real societal issue. I hope people continue to complain about stories like this so it’s not normalized anymore. Also who decided a rape troupe was cute and necessary in BL- I just wanna talk

I agree, I love their relationship and that art is immaculate, but I feel like the rape in the beginning wasn't actually needed to develop their relationship. I felt kinda weird reading it cause who wants to see someone getting raped, especially a high schoolers, fiction or nor. Regardless I really like this manga, I thought the seme's character development was a natural touch

This is... rape...? I’m pretty sure it is. Yknow yaoi continues to surprise me with all the ways they casually introduces rape as if it isn’t the most disgusting thing in the world hahaha. Like why would I continue to read a story about a seme that causally rapes the uke??!?? Anyways, this is rape, unstan.
I’m embarrassed by that story too. Nothing happened but you left school? Because you didn’t feel “loved”?! And that’s why you’re stupid- stay in school kids