correct me if im wrong i have the memory of a fish but didnt isis just watch her “beloved” brother get r*ped by her own husband and still somehow managed to blame said beloved brother ? i dont like nephthys but i ESPECIALLY dont fuck with isis like i need her gone
Lol, as long as you don't defend Nephtys you're free to hate Isis all you want, in my book. I simply can't stand Nephtys as a mother (I wouldn't even care that she cheated, if she had been a better mother)
And i think she put the blame on seth???? (My memory is also bad) Boobs
You guys remembered correctly, she blamed Seth all this time and envied him for beuing loved by Osiris, in a way she could never. And just recently she admitted that and admitted that she still holds her brother dearly and that he had nothing to blame, he was a victim. Somthing among those lines...
Lol, as long as you don't defend Nephtys you're free to hate Isis all you want, in my book. I simply can't stand Nephtys as a mother (I wouldn't even care that she cheated, if she had been a better mother) JayJay (I'm back!)
I also hate Nephtys so bad.
How you have such an incredibly beautiful and strong man loving you so much and you still go after a green bean???
She broke my baby's heart. She should go to duat with Osiris, let them be happy in there.
he has been toxic since the BEGINNING have yall forgotten he manipulated mc to have sex with him bc thats what "his crush is into" naaaahhh i never fucked with blondie and i never will
well, at least the art is really good. the panels with extra care and effort (ones with better lighting and sharper details) i stare at it longer just to appreciate it any weird shit in front of his friend and acquaintance PLEASE like at least let him have his dignity Fuck