I'm on the same boat as most of y'all, I like Hwi much better than Mr. Han. I feel bad that he's treating Hwi this way and that boy doesn't deserve it. However some of you guys need to chill the fuck out and stop shitting on Param because he technically isn't in a relationship with either of them so it's his choice who to fuck. And those of you calling him a slut, that's just too much. His body his choice. And some of y'all have never even been in a relationship, so like... And honestly you're not obligated to stay with and treat a friends with benefits relationship like an actual lovers relationship. (︶︿︶)=凸
u also need to chill .....i mean he says he likes them so he isnt treating them like pure friends with benefits ..........he says he has feelingsxp true his body his choice but he is still a disappointment everyone is free to have an opinion on his actions right ? even in real life u can have an opinion and that doesnt mean someone has to change the way they live, but if i think its wrong its just my point of view
I have no problems with people's opinions cause honestly for most of them I agree that he fucked up and kinda disappointed me in this chapter but I'm telling people shouting slurs like slut or whore to chill cause that's way too much. And did I ever say to change your opinion or that your opinion doesn't count, no. People, like Param, make mistakes but for no reason should other people need to shout slurs and be a complete bitch, however just my opinion.
Why the fuck did I read this on my period!!! I can't stop the tears!!!