i Stopped reading this i can wait awhile till a better translation comes out,
and i still stand by what i say we need to bring back the report button, to report all of these translators that a lot are just using machine translations with what seems like they don't even look at what the machine put's out before uploading the garbage or even trying to get you to go to their site when even their site translations are garbage or even pay for them, when they are doing it illegally, and yes i know this site is ''free'' but it does not mean i need to appreciate the garbage that people put out

This looked interesting was going to start reading it but first look at the comments and it's stupid luoscan uploading this garbage, can we ban them please? im not going to their bloody site if i have to pay i will pay the author not these thieving people
i hope someone else picks all these manga that thieving luoscan picked up there are so many that they did this to it's stupid

Not defending them but, since it's *not* exactly in their best interest for paid scans groups like those to have their stuff posted here ("advertising" their existence and activities for the world to see), .... then I'd say it's probably someone else stealing their work and posting it here... which might also be the reason why there's a huge gap in the visual quality between the same scans posted at that site, and those copied versions posted here.

maaaaaan another manga that i have to put on hold for who knows how long because of the horrible translations at first it was good but now, just Stop uploading these if you are not going to do an ok job and yes i know this is a ''free'' manga site don't upload over people that were doing good but taking along time and you people decide to upload over it argh

i know this is a free site and all but like, cant appreciate the translations if we cant understand them in the first place, please Stop like someone said id rather just look at the untranslated version then this piece of trash, and will Definitely not being going to the trash site either, just bug off already omg
Just found this today and read it all i love it cant wait for more~