I'm devastated right now. I really think Jaewon should end up with Junseo. He's been with him all the crest and troughs. Plus, he's emotionally comfortable with him. Whenever he needs someone to hold on, he immediately thinks of Junseo. It's just a shame that he didn't end up with him. I hope Junseo gets his own deserving ending.
I wish that Seo Woo would show to Ohn as himself. What the twins doing is fooling Ohn. It's okay if he gets hurt in the process. It's a normal part of life. Showing your true self is better than asking your brother to be you and show up to your crush. That's kinda stupid, you know. If he stays like this and there's no character development? I'm not rooting for him. If Seo Woo really wanna have a relationship (friend or love) with Ohn, he should step up, not Jae Woo. He must break the walls within him, even if he's shy and lacks confidence. That will tell you that he is trying and willing. As for Jae Woo, if he continues to be "Seo Woo," there's no doubt if he will fall in love with Ra Ohn. I know you understand what I'm saying, right? You're rooting Seo Woo for liking Ra Ohn first? Think abt it again as the story progresses. Let's see what Seo Woo and Jae Woo will do. May the honest man win love!