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i’m a joke July 10, 2021 3:55 am

Does anyone have shounen-ai like this like it has lovers moments or like hugs or smth sorry I don’t know how to explain. Like more skinship than most shounen ai

    Leonna B. inato July 11, 2021 5:07 am

    Dream away ( it may have angst) but its really cute(灬º‿º灬)

    i’m a joke July 11, 2021 7:09 am
    Dream away ( it may have angst) but its really cute(灬º‿º灬) Leonna B. inato

    aaaaaaahhh think you so much I really appreciate it ╥﹏╥

    Leonna B. inato July 11, 2021 12:22 pm
    aaaaaaahhh think you so much I really appreciate it ╥﹏╥ i’m a joke

    Your welcome꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡

    Gh0stG1rl July 16, 2021 6:26 pm

    If you want shounen ai with more skin ship, I'd suggest actor x actor... They are censored but the author has a way with their words that will be on the borderline.

    You can either find it here or read it on WeComics.

i’m a joke July 7, 2021 8:13 pm

Is it just me or is the uke like all over the place,like his character. Sometimes he’s flirty and all high mighty and other times he’s like really shy and submissive. It’s like the author couldn’t agree on a central personality or character. I mean if he was like submissive sometimes then I would be like oh it’s just the situation, but here he’s like different characters in regular /plain situations. It’s like the whole character is like put together very badly,or as if the author kept changing their mind on what they wanted the uke to be like. It’s just a mess but the art is very nice and very appealing

    Fxllen_rxins July 7, 2021 8:34 pm

    The author asked him represent a cat and you know how cats are you treat them and feed them they think they godly and dogs are different you feed them and they think your god so the author o wanted to represent the relationship of a dog who treats his master like a god and a cat who think they are a god- cats are flirty aka in heat but can be very submissive if yell or hit them-so if you look at the scene where there in bed and the seme has dog ears and the Ike has cat ears and tails you can see-

    Fxllen_rxins July 7, 2021 8:34 pm
    The author asked him represent a cat and you know how cats are you treat them and feed them they think they godly and dogs are different you feed them and they think your god so the author o wanted to represent... Fxllen_rxins


    Noi July 7, 2021 8:44 pm
    The author asked him represent a cat and you know how cats are you treat them and feed them they think they godly and dogs are different you feed them and they think your god so the author o wanted to represent... Fxllen_rxins

    True he really is like a cat

    i’m a joke July 7, 2021 9:26 pm
    The author asked him represent a cat and you know how cats are you treat them and feed them they think they godly and dogs are different you feed them and they think your god so the author o wanted to represent... Fxllen_rxins

    Mhmmmm I guess but I maybe it’s just me but that type of character trait (?) is just hard to follow,IMO, and confusing about a character but I get what you mean too,which would make sense in this story ig

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