you really can’t feel bad for jihwa. in the beginning you can but his actions are nothing but selfish and dangerous. although it’s for seungho, it seems that it’s more for himself since his friends tend to mock him about the painter just to see him fired up. it’s annoying that he keeps thinking that if he gets nakyum murdered, that seungho would just run to jihwa with love and that seungho would have no idea that jihwa was the one who planned it. like come on, everything that’s happened recently would say otherwise and i just know seungho isn’t that clueless. anyway, here are my thoughts since I get irritated whenever I see jihwa cry but I was one of the few who felt BAD for him but now I’m just like “read the room jihwa” and realizing that what he’s doing is messed up. there’s no need and NO ROOM to argue about this comment. xoxo luvs
19 YEARS...