I always have a hard time finding good straight webtoons that aren’t like this. like this gave me “household affairs” vibes cause of all the rape and unnecessary misunderstandings between each of the characters. I gave it 4/5 because there were good moments but with every good moment there was like 3 bad moments right after that. I almost dropped it for obvious reasons but I figured I’d just read through it so I can say I actually read it. these are just my thought so there’s no need and NO ROOM to argue, xoxo luvs

I really really REALLY want to give this the full five stars but I kept thinking back to yijins personality in the beginning (and even throughout the series) about him being homophobic i almost dropped it each time he said something super offensive or tried changing joohyuk or just treating him really bad (yes that many times). joohyuk had a few bad times also like having seggs with someone who clearly doesn’t want to but he never really forced himself onto him, he made sure he meant what he said, but OH LAWD YIJIN WAS PRETTY SHITTY FOR THE MAJORITY OF THIS STORY. the cute couple moments helped me forget about those times though because they both truly love each other now so I still gave it a 4/5 these are just my thoughts/opinions so there’s no need AND NO ROOM TO ARGUE, xoxo luvs

you really can’t feel bad for jihwa. in the beginning you can but his actions are nothing but selfish and dangerous. although it’s for seungho, it seems that it’s more for himself since his friends tend to mock him about the painter just to see him fired up. it’s annoying that he keeps thinking that if he gets nakyum murdered, that seungho would just run to jihwa with love and that seungho would have no idea that jihwa was the one who planned it. like come on, everything that’s happened recently would say otherwise and i just know seungho isn’t that clueless. anyway, here are my thoughts since I get irritated whenever I see jihwa cry but I was one of the few who felt BAD for him but now I’m just like “read the room jihwa” and realizing that what he’s doing is messed up. there’s no need and NO ROOM to argue about this comment. xoxo luvs
he loved him for 19 years and beyond I can’t... this is hands down 5/5 worthy. did I cry ? yes. did I feel angry/frustrated ? yes ! did I feel happy ? yes yes a million times yes !! this was such a well written manhwa that would 100% recommend this to first time bl readers since not only did it touch on the sexy times but on the emotions of each character and how perfectly spaced out everything was