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Mercury created a topic of Dead or alive

For the people that want to read more of that manga, so they don't have to wait here's the link in Portuguese:

For the people that can't read Portuguese, the next chapters is that Calahan finds out that
Johnny was running away, did not quite understand that, but I don't think that his guilty, but it looks like he robbed opium? Idk if I got that right, then he gets tied down in the house, when Calahan fights someone in the street, then some guy's that were from the gang from the partner that Calahan had, (and he killed him) kidnap Johnny and leave a note to go to a hill, they all die, except this guy that makes Calahan get naked and they get to a part where Calahan tries to distract him and, him and Johnny jump to the water, but then Calahan gets pushed by a big stick and gets sent away in the river, then Johnny starts hallucinating and gets rescued by a villager, then he gets a job that is to kill a chupa cabra, but its a monkey and Calahan, that got rescued by monkeys, then they ran, and have a depressing conversation, where i didn't understand shit, just that his still gonna give him up to the police or whatever that is, then they have sex in the train, like a goodbye.