This uploader did come off as passive aggressive so I can understand why some of us here are upset. I, too, am annoyed. However, we shouldn't go off and start cursing them out. It's just childish and won't actually do anything.
As one of the comments already said, another uploader is planning to pick up this manhwa so let's just wait for now:)
Meanwhile, listen to some beats, watch a show that you enjoy and drink some water!! (I know y'all are dehydrated
The pace was too fast in my opinion. I feel like there was more stuff to resolve and explain. For example, when did they move in together? What exactly caused the detective to kill seolwoo's dad? Considering how they knew each other for a really short time - How did the demon and the vampire just start loving each other when they admitted they can't really feel that kinda emotions easily? And most importantly the author should've gone more in depth about boekhee's past lives and deaths?? Anywayz, as I said before the manhwa felt too rushed. Also the side story felt kinda unfinished - which makes it even more unnecessary.
so sad so sad. second half of the story had me bawling