Shut yer trap! I'm in love with Gu Bai
My heart is in pain specially when Mamoru told Kana "It has nothing to do with you"
Character development who?
Character development has left the chat
What is character development? Can it be eaten? Is it tasty?
I finally got to witness Henry and Jimmy's relationship and then what? Jimmy get's captured? Grrrrrr
I know right, I shipped them from the start. Taylor kept missing his chance so I no longer ship those two. Now Henry and Jimmy is together, they get interrupted by this shit-
i love henry and jimmy so much pls,, no more conflicts i need them to be hapoy IM BEGGING-
Eunho is sooooo cute. I can't with these cute characters.
Director Kang? While you're at it, can you please just confess?
FACTS! Like just do it. Do it now. Director Kang needs to stop his foolishness
I can't believe those two are having sex while Aaron and Gale are facing life-death situation
I was thinking the same thing XD
Damn! I really thought that Yuki and Naoya would bottom but I guess, you can't judge a book by it's cover. Crap, Naoya's too cute
Rourou's such an angel
Shut yer trap! I'm in love with Gu Bai