i’m getting a new black and white (mostly white) winter breed puppy and i wanna give him a simple japanese name like Kouta or something knajdjfkgkg can you guys help give me ideas
Okok, let me think...
Makoto (wait what this is Free chracters?!)
Chio (yes I liked that one too!)
Kyoto/Kyota (a little twist lol)
Takato (a liiiitle change)
Fumi (Imagine saying Fumi-kun, so kyut)
Yup, I hope it’ll give you some ideas or inspiration. Have a nice day:D
anyone got a depression (photo) album for when ur feeling e m p t y
http://www.mangago.zone/home/album/94411/ i made these. they are actually things i would want to tell mysel if i were to go back in time. I hope this helps :>
http://www.mangago.zone/home/album/44281/ and these are quotable quotes i got from mangas ive read. theyre also healing and can actually serve as advice that can be applied in real life
Hey guys I'm tryng to find an anime character that looks similar to me, pls helpp. Im a female with shoulder length black hair and middle part with sharp looking eyes. I keep looking up characters but literally all of them have bangs or round eyes.
https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=WUzKJlfm&id=BD3093265E298955E836A669AA0351B90AA0EDBB&thid=OIP.WUzKJlfmtZaa829_4r6u4wHaFo&mediaurl= http%3a%2f%2fimages6.fanpop.com%2fimage%2fphotos%2f36100000%2fYumi-Ishiyama-image-yumi-ishiyama-36159600-604-460.jpg&exph=460&expw=604&q=huge+forehead+anime+character&simid=607993645713458377&selectedIndex=4
Is there a name for the rope that dogs in anime/japan are portrayed wearing? Like Shiro from Hoozuki no Reitetsu. I wanna look up more photos of that for a drawing reference
Not similar but apparently its called Shimenawa meaning Rice Straw rope. Here's more info https://www.japanvisitor.com/japanese-culture/shimenawa
Hey guys, send your most cursed or funny yaoi screenshots. I swear they have the weirdest moments that catch me off guard.
This is my fav funny screenshots i got like 30 screenshots from it its called "twenty 20" i think and also another good one that literally had me crying from laughter os "18 unlimited" again