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Bangtan_shadykeke March 8, 2021 10:31 pm

When you guys save manga' s and stuff like that do you actually put it in the correct spot like Want to Read or Already Reading.
( ̄へ ̄)

    heyheyhey March 8, 2021 10:35 pm

    uhm i do or sometimes i just bookmark it

    Kuroqui March 8, 2021 10:37 pm

    already read = checked all latest chaps. reading = dropped / will come back. want to read = interested

    ShizunaRey March 8, 2021 10:37 pm

    jup! i didnt have any case where it didnt^^

    Ren Makato March 8, 2021 10:41 pm
    already read = checked all latest chaps. reading = dropped / will come back. want to read = interested Kuroqui

    Yep, same, but if it’s already read then I either did read it/ see the latest chapters or I’m not interested. IDK that’s just me.

    tawin March 8, 2021 10:44 pm

    want to read = well I want to read them lol
    reading = ongoing series, or completed series that I'm reading
    already read = manga is completed and I've finished all chs, dropped series

    yforever125 March 8, 2021 10:49 pm

    Personally, when I want to read something, it usually means that I've discovered something interesting but I'm waiting for it to have more chapters to binge-read. But the [Want To Read] spot doesn't give any notifications, so I'll never know if something I've been waiting for has been updating. So that's why, I've stopped putting things I plan on reading in [Want To Read].

    Instead, 1. things I do want to read and waiting for more chapters to binge, I put them in [I Am Reading] (with my tag *Want To Read*). That way, I'll get notifs for how it's been updating, and I could just go on my profile, click my tag and see all my want-to-reads.

    2. things I've read before, didn't like and never want to see again, I put it in [Want To Read] (with my tag *Don't Read Again*). Since I don't often reread things that I've read before, I'll know not to read anything in [Want To Read] and I'll never encounter it again in notifications.

    Ren Makato March 8, 2021 10:53 pm
    Personally, when I want to read something, it usually means that I've discovered something interesting but I'm waiting for it to have more chapters to binge-read. But the [Want To Read] spot doesn't give any no... yforever125

    I only put a couple things on the want to read margin, so that way when I go to my homepage I see those and can go through them.

    ladenza March 8, 2021 10:59 pm

    I put the ongoing stories I really like in ‘reading’ while I place the stories I finished reading that aren’t really my fav but still on going in ‘finished reading’

    BLFanatic March 8, 2021 11:11 pm

    Want to read : Stories I’m interested in

    Reading : Stories that are ongoing that I’m currently reading

    Already read : Stories that are completed/dropped series I’ve read

IAmAKoiFish's favorite ( All 50 )

QUESTION TIME!!! 03-03 15:02
do girls masturbate to yaoi? 03-13 14:20
this entire scene was great 03-10 21:25
Pov: 10-04 04:19
BAN THIS SITE FOR OVER 10s 10-04 02:32

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