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Confide June 19, 2018 2:45 pm

Thank you for the update!

Confide March 30, 2017 6:48 pm

Waited so long for this, but feel like it might get cut short :')
To all the people that said he didn't have powers, smh

    Anonymous March 30, 2017 11:26 pm

    Except that we should all remember that this is what Arlo wants. I mean I AM excited that it seems John has powers and I think it's LESS cliched for him to have powers than to not have them, but there are a couple of caveats I have with this, including the one I laid out at the outset. The other one being that it says at the beginning that John was born without one, when referring to abilities. Perhaps it means he was born with more than one, perhaps it means that he received his abilities artificially, etc.... BUT, at the same time, these are all questions that the author should remember, up to this point, have yet to be addressed. Neither does the story yet provide a clear path to addressing these questions. Also, I have a couple concerns regarding the last question I posed regarding John's apparent abilities; you see, if the author suggests that it was the green haired girl who gave John these abilities, not only would that bring this story back into the cliched territory that I so wanted to avoid that keeping him powerless would have done just as well, it ALSO brings up another conundrum, mainly that if the green haired girl did give him his powers through her betrayal (as John implicitly and subtly suggests she had done to the readers) then WHY did she and others so clearly place John in the middle of the pack, so to speak, with that photo? Because A. if she had already given him those powers by that point, why would it have been considered such a betrayal, in the first place and B. if she had given him those powers after the photo had been taken, then treating him as essentially a king when he didn't have powers but not when he does, doesn't sound like the kind of betrayal that John was referring to when he originally came to his current school.

    All that being said, however, I, and everyone else on here, could be totally wrong on this end about what's happening, here. Maybe, as I suggested in another post, it's not a power per se that John is displaying, here. It's a null 'ability'. It would explain how he detected that invisible 'stalker' so to speak. It would explain why he avoided the touch of that power meter predicting guy. AND it would explain the color coding for the way John speaks. After all, the way the speech bubbles for the other superpowers are color coded are also based on their own powers, or, at least, their effects. Plus, it would also satisfy the criteria for John not being born with an ability. Finally, it would stick a wrench into Arlo's eventual plans for John, whatever they were.

    Anonymous March 30, 2017 11:55 pm
    Except that we should all remember that this is what Arlo wants. I mean I AM excited that it seems John has powers and I think it's LESS cliched for him to have powers than to not have them, but there are a co... @Anonymous

    But his eyes glowed. If it was just an ability you wouldn't see that. Most likely.

    Anonymous March 31, 2017 12:00 am
    But his eyes glowed. If it was just an ability you wouldn't see that. Most likely. @Anonymous

    I don't understand? How is that contradicting or related to what I said? I'm sorry, I'm just really confused....

    Anonymous March 31, 2017 4:40 am
    I don't understand? How is that contradicting or related to what I said? I'm sorry, I'm just really confused.... @Anonymous

    Im assuming that you think that John feeling the presence of the stalker is part of his ability. But did his eyes glow then?

    Anonymous March 31, 2017 9:30 pm
    Im assuming that you think that John feeling the presence of the stalker is part of his ability. But did his eyes glow then? @Anonymous

    No, I said that was part of his null capabilities which would actually explain why his eyes didn't glow.

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