I think if Sakai had told Nishimura about his crush towards him, Nishimura would have put an effort and start to like him back. How would Nishimura know that Sakai have a crush on him if he didn't tell him. I respect Nishimura for letting Sakai to continue his relationship with Kitada even after they become lovers. He did not feel possesive or jealous of them and accepted that Kitada is a part of Sakai's life which makes him grateful of Kitada of being there for Sakai. Just like how Sakai didn't know about Kitada's feeling without him telling Sakai, Nishimura too wasn't aware of Sakai's feeling towards him and he sacrifices by letting Kitada and Sakai to continue their relationship for the sake of Sakai's happiness because he started to love him after knowing Sakai's feeling towards him which Sakai should have told him earlier.

I like the story but only one think I am not satisfied is about shina-san's wife. She had to live with a man who does not love her but is in love with his brother -in-law. The father was already cheating on his fiancee at the time and i can't get it out of my head because I hate cheaters and that was exactly what the father did and shina-san did not feel any guilt in sleepin with his sister's fiance but I am glad that they got together at last and have their happy ending.
If he is in a relationship with the president, how will he be in a relationship with the new guy? Is he gonna cheat?Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
no its worse than that
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ poor uke
you read the raws? is the pres cheating on the uke or why did you say he was poor?
I looked at the raws,, it involves a woman.. maybe the president's wife? or a fiancee? I am not sure.
i see thx
Σ(°Д °) *wish I could make the emoji open its mouth wider* *shocked* I'm not sure I'm ready for this world of hurt just yet
I agree, altho it doesn't happen for awhile as I remember.. and to be fair, I couldn't read what was happening and who she was exactly.. but I guess we have to feel like the dark haired guy will be better for him. Altho I think the manga still ongoing... maybe? haha
So it means that the uke is the other woman or in this case man of the president?
Yes they will have a big trouble because this woman & then they'll brake up, buuuut something new will start with the black hair guy