While to a CERTAIN DEGREE it is understandable HW would feel this way, the way some of yall be yapping off as if it is MC's whole fault for HW deluding himself into thinking they were more than friends.
The only thing MC was at fault was boot licking HW and not telling him that there is a motive behind it.
This sure as hell doesn't mean what HW is doing is right or acceptable. Hes just reducing himself to orange lvl. Hoepfully he doesn't go any further cuz gosh it will soooo cliche and toxic if MC realises his feelings this way. Like bro.
Agree and most of if was hyunwoo missinterpretations so it isn't even mc's fault for him believing the was more then there actually was. We could blame the sister a lil'coz she add fuel to the fire but other stuff were missinterpretated by hyunwoo
While to a CERTAIN DEGREE it is understandable HW would feel this way, the way some of yall be yapping off as if it is MC's whole fault for HW deluding himself into thinking they were more than friends.
The only thing MC was at fault was boot licking HW and not telling him that there is a motive behind it.
This sure as hell doesn't mean what HW is doing is right or acceptable. Hes just reducing himself to orange lvl. Hoepfully he doesn't go any further cuz gosh it will soooo cliche and toxic if MC realises his feelings this way. Like bro.
But ngl HW did look extra good looking
That one panel of him looking up at mc..
But yeah HW got delusional because mc is pretty (the only pretty guy in their school)
Agree and most of if was hyunwoo missinterpretations so it isn't even mc's fault for him believing the was more then there actually was.
We could blame the sister a lil'coz she add fuel to the fire but other stuff were missinterpretated by hyunwoo