I really really wished she live and will be able to spent quality time with Dan. Fk she literally waste away her old age to raise Dan, and now Dan won't even be able to repay her with goods things cuz she's about kick the bucket.
Why do good people not have great endings. Ik she probably happy that she brought up Dan very well but wished at her age she was able to spent time with Dan enjoying nice things. It's so freaking sad

Aside from Rwording and doing multiple forms of harassment, the ML is such a pathetic person. He is so unfit to he a king and rule over anyone.
He listens more his D than he does to his brain. The fact that poor soldiers gotta go with his stupid whims is fking annoying. In my fantasy, that THING would have been usurped from his throne and killed while the MC returns to his body and ends up with someone who respects him. But we know it ain't happening

I don't get the logic lmao. The ML is a god/demi-god. He literally has magic powers and can use them to his convenience. Not 100% sure if he can grant wishes but ppl used to worship him.
HOWEVER, there's no soul or reincarnation? If anything being reborn or going to heaven /hell is more believable than being a 'god' yourself and not believe in souls or an afterlife

"it's not believable" bruh it's a fantasy story 5 chapters in. it's still slowly showing introducing all the world building elements and you complain about the one thing which you only just learned through the mouth of a character that may or may not be lying/biased and you complain about the cosmology
would you rather there was a 5 chapter impersonal infodump about the setting upfront instead

Bruh exactly that's what the comment section is about, you discuss about what is happening in the story be it 100 eps out or just a few. I'm just amused at what the character say. There's only 5 chpts to discuss why not bring up the interesting points which might or might be brought up in the story later? Logic?
Or would u rather I wait a year for this to be brought up? It's only for discussion ain't no one cussing the author out for this

I pointed out smth that stuck out like a sore thumb to me. Too bad your opinion doesn't stop me from commenting what I think abt it.
Once again the comment section is to discuss abt the story, what's the point if it's just to wait for chpts to come and clarify the doubt lol. It's makes it more fun. [strike while the iron is hot] ykyk

I can't exactly put it into words but she kinda lacks a lot for the main character. Maybe the character's progress will come surely.As the story progresses u wld expect them to form their own opinion like an adult and have smth to do other than Ml this Ml that
They were going in the right direction by shining on her problem as her not being able to be an autonomous human outside of ML's interest. But likely it would not get touched or solved for a while. And even if it did, she wld still get with him tgt revert to the way she once was.
My point is that her character is bland and very one-dimensional. The author is doing a slow progress with her but irritatingly will revert her back as this fodder character. And a lot of the characters lack substance. Ig I can't expect too much of good characterization when the plot is a girl obsessed with the Ml. It's as basic as you can for a romance transmigration novel type.
Not my cup of tea. Feel free to disagree, but I hope better romance novels with better characters would come up

Ack, sorry for such a late reply. Honestly, even with this information MC was still making me feel icky when she kept seeking revenge for her husband when he doesn't want that. For me, it makes me feel she's obsessive and I'm not huge on obsessive people. This is actually one of my biggest turn-off for this story.

This is too much... I like slow burn but this is literally going nowhere. Whenever the romance btw will advance it gets shot down by the FML. Like we get it he's ur fav and getting close to him can get flustering. However, it's getting so fking repetitive. I'm so sick of it. This 'couple' can't communicate their feelings for the life of them. I'm so tired, plus bored of side characters with no essence to them. Bored of female characters that are mainly bish to make FML look better. The only thing that has it truly going for this is the art. Hopefully, the author speed up their romance cuz it's not moving a step without moving back two steps.

Honestly when seth was worried about how his 'wife' will see him as a lesser of a man cause he was forced by that green mfk with a punchable face, I was fuming. I honestly feel really really bad for seth and the fact that he still loves that cheater.
Honestly Nephthy is selfish af ( I know I am stating the obvious). She could have salvage the situation better by actually being their for Seth and accompany Seth and try to repent for her mistakes instead of wallowing in self-hate and lol the best part -> locking herself in the prison? Like what??!
While to a CERTAIN DEGREE it is understandable HW would feel this way, the way some of yall be yapping off as if it is MC's whole fault for HW deluding himself into thinking they were more than friends.
The only thing MC was at fault was boot licking HW and not telling him that there is a motive behind it.
This sure as hell doesn't mean what HW is doing is right or acceptable. Hes just reducing himself to orange lvl. Hoepfully he doesn't go any further cuz gosh it will soooo cliche and toxic if MC realises his feelings this way. Like bro.
But ngl HW did look extra good looking
That one panel of him looking up at mc..
But yeah HW got delusional because mc is pretty (the only pretty guy in their school)
Agree and most of if was hyunwoo missinterpretations so it isn't even mc's fault for him believing the was more then there actually was.
We could blame the sister a lil'coz she add fuel to the fire but other stuff were missinterpretated by hyunwoo