Anyone here who is also into gay tv shows? Like Queer as folks maybe? I've been watching some episodes lately (yeah i'm really late) and...omg, that was sooooo hot, to the point that now when i'm reading yaoi, it seems like...the drawings are moving when the characters are doing it(in my mind)...so the story becomes two times more intense...nevermind, i think i may be drunk too

When all your fujoshi friends profile picture are all either YOI or Killing stalking ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Lol, I really don't understand why people are liking Killing stalking.... I understand YOI but killing stalking T_T it's not romantic nor is it trying... Bunch of sick people killing other people, why Fujoshis

Same reason ppl like horror movies & shows. Now the ones seeing it in a cutesy romantic light..yeah no idea. :P

Sadly I am one of them who love killing stalking.
Well, you know people have a different taste for genres.
As long as it interesting why not.
Perhaps for me, I don't like Bara or historical Hahaha

Yes, some people prefer horror and these genres. But 99% of the Yaoi community are liking this manga which is weird since there are lots of horror yaois and they were negatively reviewed and was never accepted. So why this one? What's the thing this one is doing right that all fujoshis actually like it ( personaly I hate horror but I'm following Killing stalking as well, I don't normally even like Korean BL nor colored ones)

i'm a fujoshi and i enjoy killing stalking. but, i don't ship bum and sangwoo. i mean, it just seems like sangwoo is sexually manipulating bum to fabricate feelings for him. while bum has broken so much at this point. personally; i feel like killing stalking does a wonderful job at the psychological horror/thriller point of things. unfortunately, it is targeted as a BL and that throws a lot of people off it ┗( T﹏T )┛

If u watch for the plot and into horor psychological then ks is a masterpiece. You should respect other people taste. Many people hate sangwoo but i really like how it would end up as lima and stockholm story~ with that kind of plot ks had, the development will be so great and a good shit to watch

KS is shit,crap,disgusting,mind break,bunch of sick people,sangwoo is an asshole. Thats why im reading it.

Ks is just realistic. Thats what i feel. While other horor yaoi such as *ugh* please spare me- ogawa chise's story, you can compare it. Its sick but not satisfiying(?) I got so much mixed feeling while reading iy. When there are a romantic(?) scene you wish for a canon, but later you hated it. Then you are confuse how the story going,what the hell happening, why you are still reading this shit. Its just too good, a masterpiece for horor psychological thriller genre

We definitely respect other people's taste, but wondering why is it getting the awesome feedback. Check this one out, it's Psychological as well but never got the hype as KS so I'm just wondering.

Lol. One of my favorite all time. Am seeiously wondering too how can this be so underrated,,

I guess, it is BECAUSE people are discussing on it. Because they are so extremely devided between loving and hating KS. I would never have read KS if not for people hating it. I wanted to see why they don't like it. And after I've seen how psychological it is, I recommended it to a friend of mine who likes such things (but not necessarily yaoi) and she told other people about it.
So, all in all I "blame" the people bashing and hating on KS and telling on every social media site available how disgusting it is for KS becoming so popular. Just because people want to see why it is hated (and because lots of people love to see others suffering so... that goes as well)
The manga you showed didn't get this hate and so people who would have liked it because of the psychological part didn't get to know it.

Check the mangaka's other works some of them are really messed up lol
Also this :
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/rub_in_love/ omg crazy
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/kaine/ - didn't get it really
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/boys_next_door/ - Crazy bitch like Sangwoo haha
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/yuigon/ didn't like personally
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/the_gospel/ I liked it, I was like wtf all the time
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/shingakkou_noli_me_tangere/ this one got a surprise here and there so ... I'm throwing it here.

If they got positively reviewed they would have continued? Finder was a one shot ,;)
Btw KS before it came here was quiet famous and earned a top award that I even thought of buying it to check it out but thanks to the preview on Lezhin I changed my mind, I know am neutral towards it no hate or anything I kind of like it even, but idk why

It won the contest but it wasn't popular until more chapters were released. I think Lezhin staff solely determines the winners so it doesn't matter how the public reviews it. And by winning the contests they can get a publishing contract before the public even views it. There's other contest winners on Lezhin that have great plots but they have low hype because there's only 1 or 2 chapters available.

Interesting, I still think the hype isn't because it got more chapters, the plot isn't great check other Japanese mangas with the same topics psychological / horror.. Some are actually better. I think it's because the fact the western audience are highly involved in this... Meaning their opinion does matter, unlike Japanese mangas where the publisher care about the buyers who are Japanese girls. And apparently western audience found KS refreshing than all the soap opera themed BL, and colored BL is now favored thanks to the fact it's colored ( duh ) and weakly updated

I agree there's more interesting physiological/horror manga out there (Monster is personally my favorite). However based on Lezhin's past ratings, KS was lowly ranked until more chapters were released similarly to how other contest winners are currently low ranking. Western audiences might have contributed to it's current popularity but I don't think western audiences had a large influence on its initial popularity when there was only 2 chapters available.

Hey guys! Can you tell me where can i possibly listen (not download) to some BLCD besides youtube?

*rolls up sleeves*
(Bonus for anyone who likes Ten Count. https://soundcloud.com/iloveblcd/h-blcd-ten-count-vol4-butt-plug-scene)
Daily motion also works, it doesn't have everything but if you are looking for a specific manga, just search up the title. Or just look up BLCD.
(Bonus for anyone who likes 'Kokoro' by Kanda Neko http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2xiq3e or 'Yume No You Na Hanashi' by Kiriyu Kiyoi http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2qk579_yume-no-you-na-hanashi-part-01-eng-sub-manga-drama-cd_fun)

https://fatedfujoshisblcdsblog.wordpress.com/completed-projects/ please thank them

BLCD stands for Boys Love Drama CD. Its basically an audio cd. Its almost like watching an anime, but instead of "watching" you're "listening" to the voice acting instead.
If there's a manga you wish have an anime, most likely it'll have a BLCD.
Beside reading BL manga, I love listening to BLCD because there are BL novels that I'm unable to read, but can listen to. There are lots of beautiful BL novels that you can only discover through BLCD if novel is a no go.

Why webcomic have been so popular recently?

Not sure, but it's probably because of the really unique storylines compared to the typical Japanese yaoi mangas. Well, that's what it is for me, at least. These webcomics lately are really hitting the whole interesting aspect nowadays.
No overused cliches. Deep characters. I mean look at Killing, Stalking. Like holy hell.

The easiest way to find out is just *READ*

A lot of people haven't seen them before so they think it's cool and exciting. Really nothing new though.

Maybe because they are so easy to read on your smartphone, iphone ....I've never read them until I bought myself a decent phone.

I find webcomics incredibly refreshing. I've read a bunch of Japanese manga and find a lot of them very cliché and forgettable. Although there are plenty of unique and beautiful manga, they are hard to find. Of course this is partially due to the large amount of translated manga vs the smaller amount of translated webcomics. Right now, webcomics seem "better" because only the interesting ones have been picked up and translated. I'm sure there are plenty of cliché and horribly written webcomics. They just haven't been translated.

Hi! Any yaoi manga with two friends ( or not ) where the one is beeing bullied because he's gay, and his friend, troubled at first, decides to save and protect him? Or something like that...the ones I read with the same vibe was actually kombini kun and I really want to read similar manga

Pretty interested too...how about smells like green spirit?

Uhm, I actually finished reading castle mango, and I just want to say t his manga was seriously the most beautifull and amazing yaoi i've ever read, like seriously...and I was just wondering if there were other yaoi like this one, is there? (●'◡'●)ノ

no. there's no manga like castle mango. that's for sure,
but I can help you finding another yaoi manga, but please give me more clue,
is it long story yaoi manga?
age gap?
straight uke?
hotel / love hotel?
which one? I'll be waiting.. (⌒▽⌒)
hope you known my intention, I am sorry, I am not trying to be rude or mocking you. Just, before.. someone asked samething and I answered with the same question but seems I made him/her hurt. sorry about this before.

I'd like to say i'm sorry, I wasn't clear at all making this comment and thank you for trying to help me already ( yeah, very bad english)
Well, when I said a yaoi like this one I was referring to how the story and the plot were really good (to me-_-') and I really want to read one with an interesting plot which has not to be a simillar story. Also I don't really like tragedy and it doesn't matter at all if the hot senes are only in the end. I can sum it by that: yaoi with unique storyline
If you could give me some recommandations it'd be really great! And once again i'm sorry if you misunterstood me or if I troubled you, that wasn't my intentions at all

I am not troubled at all, that's okay. you know, my english is more than bad, so it's okay. thanks for your kindess.
unique - no tragedy, yaoi story. shounen ai, too
Hello Friends!
Did anybody here heard about the "6 lovers" thing?, as for what i know, there will be the adaptation of 6 yaoi anime for this year, maybe OVA ( ameiro paradox, ze and kuroneko kareshi, couldn't recognize the others...) I've seen some publications on facebook, like it's from the magazine dear+, but still no news about it...does anyone know something?
Yes it will air this month someday probably
If it really will be just one Ova for all six stories then it will be a huge disappointment (3 - 4 minutes for each wtf) and this 'in motion' animation. Not fully animated