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Good Sex, Sexy Sex, Hot Sex, Sex Sex Sex (44) 2025-02-03 0
I read it but is trash(78) 2025-02-05 0

LouisLou's topics ( All 145 )

LouisLou March 5, 2025 6:04 am

The kid is so cuteeee with his little book about cows ~
I love how the author portraits children, I'm too used to authors writing over the top mature kids, with deep thoughs and language that don't match with the age group they belong to, using them just as a cheap plot device and not as individual characters in a story.

    Cadapech March 5, 2025 6:51 am

    Or the kids are literally so empty. Like canon fodder for abuse just for the sake of "tragedy". Or putting adults in children's bodies that get mad at the other children for being children and not acting like adults... when they're children.

LouisLou March 1, 2025 6:17 am

Reading the comments.....some of you are really sexist and don't even know it
Cover it with pretty words and glitter but is still sexism

LouisLou's questions ( All 2 )

Chiiriluis_Louis March 1, 2021 1:05 am

Can anyone share that meme of Seungho eating Nakyum's bald head
(Painter of the night)

Chiiriluis_Louis February 28, 2021 7:49 pm

I don't know why but I get so annoyed when I read in manga the frase "she/he got hard/wet/ whatever *just from......*" (talking like is an incredible thing that the character got in the mood from somethingso "little") like wtf, who says there's a norm in how to get turned on!!!, I hate when they said "just from kissing, just from looking, etc etc etc", maybe I get turned on " *just from* watching your hands (just an example) there's nothing wrong with it!!!
Maybe I'm exaggerating but lately reading smut and sex scenes has become a repetitive scrip of a fake norm
What do you think??

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