“Your bodies so soft.” ……he’s covered in Olympic-eque muscles no he’s not lol. That body is hard as marble. If the author wants us to think he’s dainty don’t draw him like an Adonis lol.
The twink friend is soft and squishy but Seonho? Naw.
Also I like the art and premise but I hope this is not just going to be a series of rape/sexual assault vignettes with no plot.
Not Grandma rocking this executive boss bitch Bob .
She looks like the CEO of Killer Karens Incorporated
Just so good this story hasn’t missed once.
My only wish/gripe was for some explicit scenes but I’m just a horn dog for likable characters getting it on lolol.
Ken loves Agia. One could say selfishly because he want to keep Agia alive, but there is vested interest in his well-being—so I think that is a form of love selfish as it may be.
Agia want to die at any cost even if it means making Ken suffer and their deaths would coincide with one another. He know that Ken doesn’t want to die but it doesn’t matter to him. Hse very tragic and I understand his logic but I would not call it love he lusts for him surely; but Love? Think again.
Even though we’ve seen Jooin and Gyum have sex multiple times seeing Mittens masturbate to the memory of Jooin was so sad and intimate. I felt like I was intruding by by seeing him in that state if that makes sense.
Can’t wait to see the rest of the chapter when the uploader fixes it.
Why do the assholes/bastard men have to be so hot in bed
Ok but the assistant deserves a mega promotion, 35% of the company, and a monthly bonus paid out of Seugeon’s salary for the next 15 years. All the shit he put up with and made happen?!? He freaking Batman, Superman, and iron man all in one.
Also seugeon don’t act all Buddy Buddy now bitch you spoke to that king like he was dirt this whole damn story meanwhile he was making your world keep spinning on it’s axis. You should kiss his feet dammit.
I want a side story of Mr assistant he deserves it lolol
Rohan bout to clap cheeks like a standing ovation.
Not the Van Gogh Gag !
I literally gasped when he drove the car up the ramp this story is so wild and fun lol.
It’s so funny how the author is explicitly stating we fix problems with sex over here. Sex is plot, conflict, and resolution.
I love them!!!
Bihwan clamping on to munch an when he was on the phone was to cute for meeeee.
The are so refreshingly strong in the characterization normally either the MC or ML is a blank canvas/proxy for the reader or author essentially but here it really feel like two very different people are growing into each other. Love it.
In my humble opinion the authors style and shading have greatly improved from previous works and I’m quite pleased with the art.
However, art is subjective in that everybody has cart Blanche to not like something. BUT just because you don’t like something doesn’t make it “bad art” it just doesn’t agree with your sensibilities.
This author has not missed premium execution in a single chapter. 10 out of 10 highly recommend.
The disassociation Mittens went through was so well illustrated wow.
Also the reckless abandon that the brother has with his body in his moment. He’s will to tear himself just to have a shred of love thrown his way even if it’s not true. He claims Mittens is Lovesick…but it seems to me the other way around.
TJ is a real man he has stood by Shinwoo through hell and carried him from the fires and brimstone there within.
With every flashback the author for me makes Joe’s relation to Shinwoo and the story at large more and more flimsy and lacking. His love isn’t as deep for it doesn’t mean as much as TJs
His (Joe) feelings are valid but I just don’t see how TJ and Shinwoo bond could not be till the end.
If what the comments are saying is true I’m not that surprised.
Seongrok is a murderer he is more than capable of extreme violence in the name of love/his emotions so sexual assault isn’t really a stretch especially if it’s fueled by him feeling betrayed or cheated by Je-Oh
I’m not justifying it if it happens but I’m saying it’s not shocking to me.
Dude if you wanna fuck a guy there’s Grindr lol. Leaping straight to obsession and fixation on your brother boyfriend is so wild.
Everybody in this story are so flawed and broken
So the Mac just suddenly doesn’t despise his brother? That’s a big leap from hatred to ooo papi diddle my skittle.