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Eldraco created a topic of Love Sick Dog

God Jooin is such a well written and beautiful man. He has superpowers he didn’t even know was there until love moved him to use them.

His love for Geyuem is so enviable so measured and whole. But still flexible enough to allow for the incongruity of humanity. What a man….he’s so firmly intelligent.

His emotional intelligence is so alluring and it’s something he proven time again to be quite naturally adept in. He extends this not just to his own circumstance but in the understanding and betterment of others. Wow.

I’ve never felt so sway by a character in book before it hurts lol.

Also I hope people aren’t hard on Seojin….she’s right Jooin and his brother are doing a lot of stuff that will affect the lives of potentially thousands of people so thing should be approached and decided with caution.