One minute he's going to school maybe a few times a week now school just like dissappeared

Jiwoo is probably a trust fund baby judging by how he never seem to struggle for money, how his house would be pretty expensive in south korea and how hes actually studying in a private school. So like maybe he does not need the education. Maybe hes one of those can just chill for life type of kid cause he never have to actually worry about money.

Scientists dont really earn that much though, but i guess since shes a scientist doing illegal works for illegal groups, she would be payed handsomely. But then again, shes no longer in that field, because well, didnt Jiwoo and Kayden kind of blow up that place? Also she was kind of on the run from her former employers and Jiwoo lost contact from her for a while but Jiwoo never seemed to lack money despite these circumstances. And well, according to her, she was planning on mostly doing charity works now helping out the kids she used to experiment on, so shes probably earning little to no money, cause thats just how it is when you do science without a rich sponsor. Despite her telling Jiwoo shes gonna basically become jobless, Jiwoo and her didnt seem worried about the idea that their source of income will be gone. Which leads me to believe Jiwoo's dad was rich and probably dead and left them a lot of inheritance, enough to dilly dally in life cause thats what they both are doing right now, just running around without a care about money.

There is a website the has the whole 1 season completed. It's in Spanish though
Anyone know what chapter un novel this is at